
The term "latter" is commonly used in various contexts to refer to something that comes last or occurs towards the end. It is an adjective that can be used to describe the second of two things or the last mentioned item in a list. In this article, we will explore the different uses and variants of the word "latter" in various fields.

Grammar and Language

In grammar, "latter" is often used to refer to the second of two things or people that have been mentioned. It is the opposite of "former," which refers to the first or earlier mentioned item. For example:

  • John and Lisa are twins, but the latter is taller than the former.
  • I have two options: either I can travel by car or by train. I prefer the latter.

It is important to note that "latter" is used when there are only two items or people being referred to. If there are more than two, the word "last" is usually preferred.

Religious Context

In religious contexts, "latter" is often used to refer to the latter days or the last period of time before an important event or the end of the world. This term is commonly used in Christianity, particularly in reference to the Latter Day Saints movement or Mormonism. The Latter Day Saints believe that they are living in the latter days, which are considered the final dispensation before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.


The abbreviation "latter" is commonly used in formal writing to refer to the second of two items or people mentioned. It is often abbreviated as "latt." or "lt." For example:

  • Please refer to the latter section of the report for more detailed information.
  • The two theories, A and B, were discussed in the previous paragraphs. The latter will be further examined in this section.

These abbreviations are especially useful when writing long reports or academic papers where space is limited, and using the full word may be cumbersome or repetitive.


In conclusion, the word "latter" is a versatile term that is used to describe the second of two things or the last mentioned item in a list. It has applications in grammar, religious contexts, and can also be abbreviated for convenience in formal writing. Understanding the various uses and variants of "latter" can greatly enhance one's language skills and comprehension.