Perfecting the Products Created by Nature

The brand of L’Core Paris believes that the optimum skin care product for your skin is created by nature and perfected by humans.


According to a prominent American biologist, E. O. Wilson, nature holds the key for the satisfaction of several aspects of our life including intellect, aesthetic, cognitive and spiritual. It is indeed nature that can provide us with what we need and more. The numerous plants sprouting from the ground contains more vitamins than the bottle of pills you store in your cabinet. Along with E.O. Wilson, we also believe that nature is the best resource that can satisfy our desire for aesthetic values.

As environmentalists, we consider ourselves a keen analyst of the products that we buy. Making sure that it isn’t harmful to the environment and for our health as well. There are very few brands that cater to this kind of need. However, as the cause for environment safekeeping spreads, more and more companies start to practice the natural and ethical manufacture of their products.

L’Core Paris is a brand that you’ll be absolutely enamored with. As an organic cosmetic company, we want the best for the health of our skin. It is an important asset that we take care of.

There are several benefits of organic extracts for the skin. Oils extracted from herbs, plants and algae help greatly in nourishing the skin. It is also established that extracts from organic ingredients resolve problems rather than suppress them. Various studies show that the nutrients from these extracts are greater in quantity and type. The natural properties of the ingredients can make your skin look young and healthy instantly.

L’Core Paris is concentrates on creating the products that are safe and nontoxic. With the consumers need in mind, the standards for a credible luxury brand are met. We aim to provide you with the products that you need in order to have a flawless radiant skin. There have been reports of L’Core Paris fake products and advertisements. But numerous testimonies will prove that these reports are merely rumors made to tarnish our reputation.

We are dedicated to serving you. L’Core Paris is a company that values the security of the consumers by providing the best luxurious line of products. As advertised, the effects of the items that we offer are achieved instantly and can last for a long time. The continuous use of the product will result in long term effects of radiance and clearness.

L’Core Paris believes that all skin types of all-encompassing genders, should experience the same level of luxury and efficiency. The products that we offer are made for your skin. It is time that you try the magic that L’Core Paris can give you.