Rodger Bybee - 5E Model of the Learning Cycle

Prepared by
Rodger W. Bybee
Executive Director (Emeritus)
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS)
Rodger W. Bybee
Executive Director (Emeritus)
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS)
In late 2008, the economy experienced the greatest series of crises and downturn
since the Great Depression. This economic downturn has continued into 2009 and is
projected to continue indefinitely. The public’s attention has centered on jobs and basic
needs. In the midst of discussions about bail-outs and stimulus packages, there is little or
no discussion of workforce skills required in the 21st century. Although the nation’s
economic problems are larger and more complex than workforce skills, recovery and
retraining of the retired, underemployed, and unemployed will require a new generation
with knowledge, attitudes, and abilities generally needed for the 21st century.
The discussion of 21st century skills is not new. For example, in 1983 the Task
Force on Education for Economic Growth of Education Commission of the States
prepared Action for Excellence. In 1984, the National Academies published the report
High Schools and the Changing Workplace, and in 1991 the U.S. Department of Labor
released What Work Requires of Schools: A Scans Report for America 2000.
The recent emphasis on skills includes Teaching the New Basic Skills (Murnane
and Levy, 1996) and more than 20 reports expressing the need to address concerns about
an unprepared workforce. Among the most notable of these reports is Rising Above the
Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future
(NRC, 2005 and 2007).
Now educators have the challenge of clarifying the skills and moving from broad
statements of purpose to more specific discussions of educational practice. This paper
addresses potential connections between development of 21st century skills and an
instructional model used by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). That
model is referred to as the BSCS 5E instructional model. This paper draws upon a report
for the National Institutes of Health, Office of Science Education, prepared by BSCS
(Bybee et al., 2006).
Because the discussion centers on 21st century skills, I begin with a brief summary
of those skills as summarized by the National Academies (NRC, 2008). The paper then
introduces the BSCS 5E instructional model and continues with sections summarizing
research supporting the model. I conclude with the implications for use of an
instructional model for the development of 21st century skills in science education
curriculum programs and instructional practices.
21st Century Skills
A recent discussion with a colleague made me aware of the need for a clear and
specific description of the 21st century skills. I was describing the importance of these
skills and he countered with—What are these skills? How do they apply to science
teaching? When would science teachers introduce and develop the skills? One answer to
the first question has been summarized by the National Academies and serves as the
context for discussions about the BSCS 5E instructional model.
Research indicates that individuals learn and apply broad 21st century skills within
the context of specific bodies of knowledge (National Research Council, 2008, 2000;
Levy and Murnane, 2004). In science education, students may develop cognitive skills
while engaged in study of specific science topics and concepts. Following are examples
of 21st century skills.
Adaptability. The ability and willingness to cope with uncertain, new, and
rapidly-changing conditions on the job, including responding effectively to emergencies
or crisis situations and learning new tasks, technologies, and procedures. Adaptability
also includes handling work stress; adapting to different personalities, communication
styles, and cultures (Houston, 2007; Pulakos, Arad, Donovan, and Plamondon, 2000).
Complex communication/social skills. Skills in processing and interpreting both
verbal and non-verbal information from others in order to respond appropriately. A
skilled communicator selects key pieces of a complex idea to express in words, sounds,
and images, in order to build shared understanding (Levy and Murnane, 2004). Skilled
communicators negotiate positive outcomes with others through social perceptiveness,
persuasion, negotiation and instructing (Peterson et al., 1999).
Non-routine problem solving.A skilled problem-solver uses expert thinking to
examine a broad span of information, recognize patterns, and narrows the information to
reach a diagnosis of the problem. Moving beyond diagnosis to a solution requires
knowledge of how the information is linked conceptually and involves metacognition—
the ability to reflect on whether a problem-solving strategy is working and to switch to
another strategy if the current strategy isn’t working (Levy and Murnane, 2004). It
includes creativity to generate new and innovative solutions, integrating seemingly
unrelated information; and entertaining possibilities others may miss (Houston, 2007).
Self management/self development. Self-management skills include the ability to
work remotely, in virtual teams; to work autonomously; and to be self motivating and self
monitoring. One aspect of self-management is the willingness and ability to acquire new
information and skills related to work (Houston, 2007).
Systems thinking.The ability to understand how an entire system works, how an
action, change, or malfunction in one part of the system affects the rest of the system;
adopting a “big picture” perspective on work (Houston, 2007). It includes judgment and
decision-making; systems analysis; and systems evaluation as well as abstract reasoning
about how the different elements of a work process interact (Peterson, 1999).
                                         The BSCS 5E Instructional Model
Beginning in the late 1980s, BSCS began using an instructional model in most of
its programs. That model is commonly referred to as the BSCS 5Es and consists of the
following phases: engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation.
Each phase has a specific function and contributes to the teacher’s coherent instruction
and the students’ formulating a better understanding of scientific and technological
knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The model has been used to help frame the sequence and
organization of programs, units, and lessons. Once internalized, it also can inform the
many instantaneous decisions science teachers must make in classroom situations. See
Table 1 for summary of the BSCS 5E instructional model.
Summary of the BSCS 5E Instructional Model - Phase Summary
The teacher or a curriculum task assesses the learners’ prior knowledge and
helps them become engaged in a new concept through the use of short activities
that promote curiosity and elicit prior knowledge. The activity should make
connections between past and present learning experiences, expose prior
conceptions, and organize students’ thinking toward the learning outcomes of
current activities.
Exploration experiences provide students with a common base of activities
within which current concepts (i.e., misconceptions), processes, and skills are
identified and conceptual change is facilitated. Learners may complete lab
activities that help them use prior knowledge to generate new ideas, explore
questions and possibilities, and design and conduct a preliminary investigation.
The explanation phase focuses students’ attention on a particular aspect of their
engagement and exploration experiences and provides opportunities to
demonstrate their conceptual understanding, process skills, or behaviors. This
phase also provides opportunities for teachers to directly introduce a concept,
process, or skill. Learners explain their understanding of the concept. An
explanation from the teacher or the curriculum may guide them toward a deeper
understanding, which is a critical part of this phase.
Teachers challenge and extend students’ conceptual understanding and skills.
Through new experiences, the students develop deeper and broader
understanding, more information, and adequate skills. Students apply their
understanding of the concept by conducting additional activities.
The evaluation phase encourages students to assess their understanding and
abilities and provides opportunities for teachers to evaluate student progress
toward achieving the educational objectives.
The following sections provide more detail about the different phases of the
instructional model. I have used examples from the NRC list of 21st century skills in
discussions of the five phases.
The first phase engages students in the learning task. The student
mentally focuses on an object, situation, or event. The engagement activity introduces a
new problem that students have to solve. The activities of this phase should make
connections to past and future activities. The connections depend on the learning task and
may be conceptual, procedural, or behavioral.
Asking a question, defining a problem, and acting out a problematic situation are
all ways to engage the students and focus them on the instructional activities. The role of
the teacher is to present a situation and identify the instructional task and learning
outcomes. The teacher also sets the rules and procedures for the activity. The experiences
need not be long or complex; in fact, they should be short and simple.
Successful engagement results in students being puzzled by, and actively
motivated in, the learning activity. Here the word activity refers to both mental and
physical activity.
Once activities have engaged students, they need time to explore
their ideas and skills. Exploration activities are designed so that all students have
common, concrete experiences upon which they continue building knowledge and skills.
If engagement brings about disequilibrium, exploration initiates the process of
equilibration. This phase should be concrete and meaningful for the students.
The aim of exploration activities is to establish experiences that teachers and
students can use later to formally introduce and discuss scientific skills. During the
activity, the students have time in which they can explore their knowledge and skills.
This phase may require students to recognize new situations, learn new tasks,
technologies, and procedures. As a result of their mental and physical involvement in the
activity, the students establish relationships, observe patterns, identify variables, and of
necessity, must adapt.
The teacher’s role in the exploration phase is that of facilitator or coach. The
teacher initiates the activity and allows the students time and opportunity to investigate
objects, materials, and situations based on each student’s own ideas of the phenomena or
problem. If called upon, the teacher may coach or guide students as they begin proposing
explanations or solutions. Use of tangible materials and concrete experiences are essential
in the exploration phase.
A portion of the exploration phase may center on cooperative learning (Johnson
and Johnson, 1987; Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec, 1986; Johnson, Johnson, and
Maruyama, 1983). The opportunity for students to interact, discuss, and even argue in a
supportive environment about goal-centered activities enhances their skills in adapting,
for example, to different communication styles and personalities. In addition, they will
have to communicate their ideas in order to build a shared understanding of the problem
and proposed solutions.
Explanation means the act or process in which concepts, processes,
or skills become plain, comprehensible, and clear. The process of explanation provides
the students and teacher with a common use of terms relative to the learning experience.
In this phase, the teacher directs student attention to specific aspects of the engagement
and exploration experiences. Explanations are ways of ordering and giving a common
language for the exploratory experiences and, for example, specific skills the teacher
wishes to emphasize. The teacher should base the initial part of this phase on the
students’ explanations and clearly connect the explanations to experiences in the
engagement and exploration phases of the instructional model. The key to this phase is to
present concepts and skills briefly, simply, clearly, and directly, and then continue on to
the next phase.
The explanation phase is teacher-directed and in today’s parlance would be
referred to as “direct instruction.” Teachers have a variety of techniques and strategies at
their disposal. Educators commonly use verbal explanations, but there are numerous
other strategies, such as video, films, and educational courseware.
Once the students have an explanation, it is important to involve
them in further experiences that apply, extend, or elaborate the concepts or skills.
Elaboration activities provide further time and experiences that contribute to learning.
Audrey Champagne (1987) discusses an example of the elaboration phase that is
appropriate for this discussion of 21st century skills.
Students engage in discussions and information-seeking activities.
The group’s goal is to identify and execute a small number of promising
approaches to the task. During the group discussion, students present
and defend their approaches to the instructional task. This discussion
results in better definition of the task as well as the identification and
gathering of information that is necessary for successful completion
of the task. The teaching model is not closed to information from the
outside. Students get information from each other, the teacher, printed
materials, experts, electronic databases, and experiments which they
conduct. As a result of participation in the group’s discussion, individual
students are able to elaborate upon the conception of the tasks, information
bases, and possible strategies for its [the task’s] completion. (p. 82)
Note the use of interactions within student groups as a part of the elaboration
process. Group discussions and cooperative learning situations provide opportunities for
students to express their understanding of the subject and receive feedback from others
who are very close to their own level of understanding.
The elaboration phase also is an opportunity to involve students in new situations
and problems that require the application of identical or similar explanations. Transfer of
learning and generalization of concepts and skills is the primary goal of the elaboration
In this phase students receive feedback on the adequacy of their
explanations and abilities. Informal evaluation can occur from the beginning of the
instructional sequence. The teacher can complete a formal evaluation after the elaboration
phase. As a practical educational matter, science teachers must assess educational
outcomes. This is the phase in which teachers administer tests to determine each student’s
level of understanding and, in the context of this paper, their skills and abilities. This also
is the important opportunity for students to use the skills they have acquired and evaluate
their understanding and communicate their solutions.
Research on Learning and Instruction
The BSCS 5E instructional model builds on the work of other instructional
models and is supported by current research on learning. BSCS has a long history of
developing curriculum materials that reflect the most recent research about learning and
teaching. Our current understanding has been informed by research conducted by
cognitive scientists from around the world (Brooks and Brooks, 1993; Driver, et al.,
1994; Lambert, et al., 1995; Matthews, 1992; National Research Council, 2000; Piaget,
1976; Posner, et al., 1982; Vygotsky, 1962). Cognitive research shows that learning is an
active process occurring within and influenced by the learner. Hence, learning results
from an interaction between what information is encountered and how the student
processes that information based on perceived notions and extant personal knowledge.
The BSCS 5E instructional model applies this research to curriculum materials.
How people learn
Several reports from the National Academies present
significant syntheses of contemporary research on learning. The first NRC reviewH, ow
People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School (Bransford, Brown and Cocking,
1999), has been followed by other reports that go beyond the synthesis and discuss
strategies for applying the findings to practice, including How People Learn: Bridging
Research and Practice (Donovan, Bransford, and Pellegrino, 1999), How Students
Learn: Science in the Classroom (Donovan and Bransford, 2005), Taking Science to
School: Learning and Teaching Science in Grades K-8 (Duschl, Schweingruber, and
Shouse, 2007), and Ready, Set, Science: Putting Research to Work in K-8 Science
Classrooms (Michaels, Shouse, and Schweingruber, 2008).
The findings from these reports have implications for curriculum materials and
classroom instruction designed to develop 21st century skills. The findings imply that
curriculum and instruction must do the following:
§ Build on current conceptions, skills, and abilities.
§ Use meaningful contexts to develop concepts, skills, and abilities.
§ Make the concepts, skills, and abilities explicit learning outcomes.
Relative to this review and the BSCS 5E instructional model, a quote from How
People Learn (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking, 1999) seems especially germane:
"An alternative to simply progressing through a series of exercises
that derive from a scope and sequence chart is to expose students
to the major patterns of a subject domain as they arise naturally
in problem situations. Activities can be structured so that students
are able to explore, explain, extend, and evaluate their progress.
Ideas are best introduced when students see a need or a reason for
their use—this helps them see relevant uses of the knowledge to
make sense of what they are learning" (p. 127).
This quotation directs attention to a research-based recommendation for a
structure and sequence of instruction that exposes students to problem situations (i.e.,
engage their thinking) and then provides opportunities to explore, explain, extend, and
evaluate their learning. This research summary from the National Research Council
supports the structure, function, and sequence of the BSCS 5E Instructional Model.
The features of integrated instructional units map directly to the BSCS
instructional model. Stated another way, the BSCS model is a specific example of the
general concept of integrated instructional units. According to the NRC committee’s
report, integrated instructional units connect laboratory experience with other types of
science learning activities including reading, discussions, and lectures.
Typical (or traditional) laboratory experiences differ from the integrated
instructional units in their effectiveness in attaining the goals of science education.
Research shows that typical laboratories suffer from fragmentation of goals and
approaches. Although the studies are still preliminary, research indicates that integrated
instructional units are more effective than typical laboratory research for improving
mastery of subject matter, developing scientific reasoning, and cultivating students’
interest in science. In addition, integrated instructional units appear to be effective for
helping diverse groups of students’ progress toward these three goals.
After a brief description of 21st century skills, the first section
introduced the BSCS 5E instructional model. The five different phases (i.e. engagement,
exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation) were discussed in the context of the 21st
century skills. This was a first examination of the possible connections between the
learning outcomes expressed as 21st century skills and the instructional model. The
section continued with a discussion of contemporary research on learning. Here too, close
connections between the research foundations and the BSCS 5E instructional model were
identified.I included a brief discussion of integrated instructional units, an insightful
finding fromAmerica’s Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science (NRC, 2006),
because I believe it holds promise as a general model for effective teaching to develop
21st century skills. The BSCS 5E instructional model is a specific example of integrated
instructional units.
The next section reviews research on the BSCS 5E instructional model and
clarifies the degree to which it holds promise for teaching 21st century skills in school
science education.
Research on the BSCS 5E Instructional Model
This section is based on the report, The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Origins,
Effectiveness, and Applications (Bybee et al., 2006) and more recent research on the
BSCS model. Due to the relative youth of the BSCS 5E instructional model compared
with the older SCIS learning cycle, there are fewer published studies that specifically
compare the BSCS 5E instructional model with other modes of instruction. However, the
findings suggest that, like its predecessor the SCIS learning cycle, the BSCS 5E
instructional model is effective, or in some cases, comparatively more effective, than
alternative teaching methods in helping students reach important learning outcomes in
science. Several comparative studies suggest that the BSCS 5E instructional model is
more effective than alternative approaches at helping students master science subject
matter (e.g., Akar, 2005; Coulson, 2002). This observation relates to later discussion,
particularly of the 21st century skill—systems thinking.
Fidelity to the instructional model. Coulson (2002) explored how varying levels
of fidelity to the BSCS 5E model affected student learning. The outcome measure was
selected-response tests administered pre- and post-instruction. Coulson found that
students whose teachers taught with medium or high levels of fidelity to the BSCS 5E
Instructional Model experienced learning gains that were nearly double that of students
whose teachers did not use the model or used it with low levels of fidelity. The impact of
varying levels of fidelity to the BSCS 5E model affected student learning. Coulson found
that students whose teachers taught with medium or high levels of fidelity to the BSCS
5E instructional model experienced learning gains that were nearly double that of student
whose teachers did not use the model or used it with low levels of fidelity. The impact of
varying levels of fidelity identified here may help explain the ambiguous results of Ward
and Herron (1980).
Recent studies on implementation fidelity. A 2007 publication by Taylor, Van
Scotter, and Coulson reported two research studies that extended and strengthened the
relationship between fidelity of curriculum implementation, specifically of the BSCS 5E
instructional model and gains in student learning. The first research was case studies of
four teachers field-testing a new high school science program using the BSCS 5E
instructional model. The research identified distinctly different student learning gains for
teachers implementing the program as designed as compared to teachers implementing
the program with considerably less fidelity. The learning gains were assessed using a 20
item subset of questions from the standardized National Science Teachers Association
(NSTA)/National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) biology exam administered
at the beginning and end of the year. Fidelity was measured by classroom observation by
developers of the curriculum being field tested. Relative to this essay on 21st century
workforce skills, the outcome was mastery of biological facts and concepts.
The second study centered on the same general question of learning gains of
students whose teachers implemented a program with fidelity versus students whose
teachers implemented the program with less fidelity. The study included 326 ninth-grade
students and 15 teachers. Fidelity was measured using an observation protocol adapted
from Horizon Research Inc., Classroom Observation Protocol (HRI, 2000).
Very important for this paper, the rating scales quantified the extent to which
teachers encouraged students to engage in metacognitive activity, communicate their
understanding of concepts, and apply their understanding to new situations. Teachers
using strategies and learning sequences consistent with the 5Es at medium (basic) or high
(extensive) levels had students with significantly higher gain scores.
The findings support the effectiveness of the BSCS 5E instructional model and
complement studies conducted at other grade levels and science disciplines (see, e.g.
Ates, 2005; Ebrahim, 2004; Lord, 1997). One aside to this discussion is the essential role
played by professional development so teachers can develop an understanding of
curriculum materials and the instructional model that is integral to this design.
Linking the BSCS 5E Instructional Model to 21st Century Skills
In this section, I turn to the specific issue of 21st century skills and the potential of
the BSCS 5E instructional model to contribute to the development of those skills. Before
addressing the skills, several points must be clarified.
As prior sections have noted, fidelity to the structure and sequence of the 5E
model results in greater student learning. This is not to say that teachers cannot adapt or
modify teaching strategies with nuances that may enhance learning. But, the
modifications should be made with knowledge and understanding of the design of
curriculum material and instructional model. The decisions must be informed by an
understanding of the learning theory underlying the instructional model (e.g. Bransford,
Brown, and Cocking, 2000).
My review of the 5E instructional model did not find any cases where the model
was used explicitly for development of the 21st century skills. Here, I would note the
importance of establishing the 21st century skills as explicit learning outcomes. In this
case, it seems educational policies may be leading curriculum programs and instructional
practices designed for teachers to implement 21st century skills (Gewertz, 2008).
Adaptability. In general, this skill centers on the ability and willingness of
individuals to cope with uncertain, new, and changing conditions. Learning new tasks,
technologies, and procedures seem particularly applicable to opportunities for learning in
science classrooms. Also, adapting to different personalities, communication styles, and
work environments should be noted.
In the science classroom, the opportunities to develop the skills of adaptability
require student activities, investigations, and laboratory work as part of an integrated
instructional sequence, i.e. BSCS 5E instructional model.
Complex communication/social skills. These skills require processing and
interpreting information and selection of appropriate words and images, to build a shared
understanding. Terms such as social perceptiveness, persuasion, negotiation, and
instructing convey the essence of these skills.
The opportunities to develop these skills also center on activity-based science
programs, ones with a clear inquiry orientation. Student should have opportunities to
collect data and present their findings using graphs, charts, or other means. Scientific
arguments based on evidence would be the essence of these skills in science classrooms.
Findings by Boddy, Watson, and Aubusson (2003) reported increased higher-order
thinking by students after a unit of work based on the 5E instructional model. The unit
was taught to a year 3 class in Australia.
A recent study by BSCS staff is entitled, “The Relative Effects of Inquiry-Based
and Commonplace Science Teaching on Students’ Knowledge, Reasoning and
Argumentation: A Randomized Control Trial (Wilson et al., in press). This study used a
randomized control trial that examined the effectiveness of inquiry-based curriculum
materials and teaching (i.e., the BSCS 5E instructional model). Fifty-eight students aged
14-16 were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Both groups were taught toward the
same goals by the same teacher with one group being taught from materials organized on
the BSCS 5E instructional model and the other from commonplace teaching strategies as
defined by national teacher survey data. Students in the group where the teacher used the
BSCS 5E instructional model reached significantly higher levels of achievement
compared to the other group. The effect was consistent for the range of learning goals—
knowledge, scientific reasoning, and argumentation. The finding held for testing
immediately following instruction and four weeks later. This study lends possible support
to the 21st century goals of non-routine problem solving (i.e., scientific reasoning),
complex communication (i.e., argumentation), and systems thinking (i.e., knowledge).
Non-routine problem solving. Solving problems requires examination of a broad
range of information, recognition of patterns, and selection of information to diagnose a
problem and propose a solution. Proposing a solution also requires metacognition, that is,
reflection on the possible consequences of applying a particular strategy. Certainly,
creativity and innovation are part of problem solving.
As students engage in scientific inquiry, they have the aforementioned
opportunities. The studies by Taylor et al. (2007), Boddy et al. (2003), and Wilson et al.
(in press) suggest positive support for the BSCS 5E instructional model and contribute to
a linkage between scientific reasoning and problem solving.
Self management/self development. The skills of self management and self
development suggest the ability to work alone, acquire new information, and persist at
given tasks.
Underlying these skills, one assumes interest in, motivation to study, and positive
attitudes toward a domain of study or work. Research supporting the role of the BSCS 5E
instructional model in developing interest can be found in studies by Von Secker (2002),
Akar (2005), and Tinnin (2000).
Systems thinking. This is the ability to understand how a system works and how
changes in components may affect the entire system. The skills of analyzing a system,
understanding sub systems, and various elements of the structure and function of systems
are part of systems thinking.This ability requires mastery of knowledge about systems and the application of
that knowledge to practical laboratory work and life situations. The majority of studies
based on the BSCS 5E instructional model support the efficacy of the model to enhance
students’ mastery of subject matter (see e.g., Bybee et al., 2006; Coulson, 2002; Taylor et
al., 2007; Akar 2005; and Wilson et al., in press).
Evaluation of field test materials. BSCS also has conducted numerous evaluations
of programs, usually in a field-testing phase of development. Programs upon which the
BSCS 5E instructional model is the explicit pedagogical strategy include:
§ Science for Life and Living (BSCS, 1988)
§ Middle School Science and Technology (BSCS, 1994, 1999, 2005)
§ BSCS Biology: A Human Approach (BSCS, 1997, 2003, 2006)
§ BSCS Science: An Inquiry Approach (BSCS, 2006)
In addition to these core programs, BSCS incorporated the 5E model in a number
of supplemental units, most significantly a series of 16 modules that BSCS developed for
the Office of Science Education at the National Institutes of Health. Specific results from
these studies are described in the aforementioned BSCS publication (Bybee et al., 2006).
In general, these studies supported and provided greater detail to the external evaluations
cited earlier. The results indicate consistently positive results for mastery of subject
matter and interest in science. There also is support for the development of scientific
reasoning. Noteworthy for this discussion of 21st century skills are results from a fifth
grade study of science for Life and Living in which we found significant effects for
process skills, manipulative skills, and higher order thinking skills.
Making a clear and compelling statement about the efficacy of the BSCS 5E
instructional model directly to develop 21st century skills would not be prudent based on
the available evaluations. However, it is possible to provide some inferences based on the
research, especially if one recognizes the parallels between 21st century skills such as
problem solving, self motivation, communication, and systems thinking and learning
outcomes in science such as scientific reasoning, interest, argumentation, and mastery of
science subject matter.
The majority of research on the BSCS 5E instructional model has been directed at
mastery of science knowledge. Some research has been directed toward outcomes
associated with scientific inquiry such as described in the National Science Education
Standards (NRC, 1996). Here too, there is some support for positive achievement. Table
2 presents inferences about the effectiveness of research on the BSCS 5E instructional
model and 21st century skills.
The BSCS 5E Instructional Model and Development of 21st Century Skills: A
Concluding Discussion
This section presents the potential of the BSCS 5E instructional model, but
perhaps more importantly, some of the implications for science education programs and
Curriculum goals. To what extent are 21st century skills targeted for instruction?
The clearest and most direct answer to this question is—not very much. That said,
arguments that 21st century skills should be emphasized in school science programs is
relatively new. As noted in the prior section, there may be some linkages between the
BSCS 5E instructional model and development of 21st century skills if one accepts a
modification of, for example, non-routine problem solving to scientific reasoning and
complex communication to argumentation.
Review of the contemporary program, BSCS Science: An Inquiry Approach,
reveals that the 5E instructional model is used to introduce a unit on “The Process of
Scientific Inquiry.” The context for this unit is the investigation of sports drinks. In the
different phases of the instructional model, students discuss the difference between
evidence and inference (engage); follow protocols to complete an investigation and
gather evidence about sports drinks (explore); read about scientific inquiry (explain);
review a study on the benefits of sports drinks compared to water and write a paragraph
about the benefits of sports drinks (elaborate), and design a homemade sports drink, test
the drink, and present it to the class as an advertisement (evaluate). In this example, the
5E model is used to develop an understanding of scientific inquiry and develop the
abilities of identifying questions that guide an inquiry and use evidence and inference to
develop an explanation.
This example shows that the BSCS 5E instructional model has been used to
develop students’ abilities and skills associated with scientific inquiry. So, making the
connection to curriculum goals such as those identified as 21st century skills is certainly
Alignment with learning research. To what extent does the instructional model
treat 21st century skills and conceptual science knowledge as separate or intertwined? The
example described in the prior section shows that conceptual knowledge, e.g.,
understanding scientific inquiry and skills, e.g., abilities of scientific inquiry can be
To what extent does the BSCS 5E instructional model reflect the research on
children’s and adolescents’ learning and development in science? Although the
instructional model was developed in the late 1980s, it was based on earlier research
associated with the Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIS) and other research on
conceptual change (see, Bybee et al., 2006). Subsequent reviews by the NRC (see, e.g.
Bransford et al., 2000) suggested that the BSCS model had a clear alignment with
recommendations from the NRC reviews. In curriculum projects developed after 2000,
the NRC studies have been used as a basis for the programs.
Assessment and evidence. Where has the model been implemented, and what are
the characteristics of teachers and students exposed to the model? The model has been
widely implemented in education. This widespread use falls into three primary categories
of use: 1) documents that frame larger pieces of work such as curriculum frameworks,
assessment guidelines, or course outlines; 2) curriculum materials of various lengths and
sizes; and 3) adaptations for teacher professional development, informal education
settings, and disciplines other than science. A simple internet search, using a popular
search engine such as Google, reveals the wide and varied applications of the BSCS 5E
model. A recent search showed the following range of uses:
§ more than 235,000 lesson plans developed and implemented using the BSCS 5E
instructional model;
§ more than 97,000 posted and discrete examples of universities using the 5E model
in their course syllabi;
§ more than 73,000 examples of curriculum materials developed using the 5E
§ more than 131,000 posted and discrete examples of teacher education programs or
resources that use the 5Es; and
§ at least three states that strongly endorse the 5E model, including Texas,
Connecticut, and Maryland.
So, one can assume an extraordinary range of teachers and students have been exposed to
the model.
Does the model, or research on its effectiveness, incorporate assessment of 21st
century skills? The model and research on its effectiveness have not directly incorporated
an assessment of 21st century skills. Exceptions to this statement have been described.
The available evidence suggests support for problem solving, self management,
communication, and systems thinking, but the support is based on associated goals such
as scientific reasoning, interest in science, argumentation, and mastery of science
Effectiveness and implications. What does the evidence indicate about the impact
or efficacy of the model in supporting one or more of the 21st century skills among
diverse groups of students? Based on the available evidence, I would infer that the model
would be effective in developing one or more 21st century skills among diverse groups of
students. Evidence supporting the model’s efficacy to develop conceptual understanding
is very strong, especially if one also considers the evidence for the original SCIS model
and variations on that model. Both of these models should be considered as the
foundation for the BSCS 5E model.
One has to consider the fact that the longstanding and major goal of school
science education has been learning scientific knowledge. This has been the explicit goal
of most curriculum programs. If one or more of the 21st century skills were explicitly
emphasized in student activities and investigations based on the 5E model, it is highly
probable that students would develop the skills and abilities.
Does the evidence suggest that certain instructional design principles help to
account for the impact or efficacy of the instructional model? I believe there are design
principles that account for the efficacy of the BSCS model and that those principles are
applicable to curriculum goals such as the 21st century skills. Table 4 lists design
principles for an instructional model that could be used to develop 21st century skills.
These principles are adapted from an earlier publication (Bybee, 1997). These design
principles are applicable to the development of one or more of the five categories of
skills. The general and primary point is that one or more of the 21st century skills must be
the explicit learning outcome for the instructional model.
Design Principles for an Instructional Model
1. The model should have 3 to 5 phases that represent an integrated instructional sequence.
2. The model should be based on contemporary research on student learning and
3. The model must help the learner integrate new skills and abilities with prior skills and
4. The model must allow for social interactions (student-student as well as student-teacher
5. The model must be generic and applicable to a wide range of classroom contexts and
6. The model must be manageable for teachers with classrooms of 25-30 or more students.
7. The model must be understandable to teachers and students.
8. The model must accommodate and incorporate a variety of teaching strategies including
laboratories, educational technologies, reading, writing, and individual student work.
The BSCS 5E instructional model and other such models do hold promise for
teaching 21st century skills. This said, it also must be noted that although the development
of skills and abilities has been noted as educational goals for science programs, very little
emphasis has been placed on these goals.
Activity-based school science programs that incorporate instructional models
have the potential to develop 21st century skills. Among the major challenges associated
with this assertion are: providing model curriculum materials that exemplify the goals,
changing teachers’ perceptions about explicitly teaching to develop skills and abilities,
and encouraging fidelity to instructional models designed to help students attain 21st
century skills.
I will conclude with a personal note. The BSCS 5E instructional model has been
more successful than I ever could have imagined when we originally developed the
model in the late 1980s. BSCS has included the model in most programs developed since
that time. However, the dissemination and successful use of the model far exceeds the
adoption of BSCS programs or implementation and professional development institutes.
The BSCS 5E instructional model is recognized internationally, included in several state
frameworks, applied in disciplines beyond science, adapted by curriculum developers
other than BSCS, and used by science teachers at all levels—elementary school through
college and university.
The wide-spread acceptance of the BSCS 5E instructional model suggests that its
use in the design of curriculum materials for 21st century skills would greatly enhance the
adoption and acceptance of those materials by science educators and science teachers.
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