Legacy Way tunnel

I've always been fascinated by the Legacy Way tunnel. It opened in 2015 and is supposed to be so futuristic but already there's a ton of problems with it! It was built to reduce traffic congestion in Brisbane, and handles about 90,000 vehicles a day, it's true. But it was really expensive and it's not clear if it's actually helped traffic that much.

I remember when it first opened, I was so excited to try it out. I drove through it and it was really cool – it's like something out of a science fiction movie. The lights are all blue and green, and the walls are covered in these cool designs. It's so different from any other tunnel I've ever been through. I want to tell you some of the issues and haha, some of the funny things that have happened there.

  • Too expensive: The Legacy Way tunnel cost over $1 billion to build! That's a lot of money, especially when you consider that it's only 4.6 kilometers long.
  • Traffic jams: Even though the Legacy Way tunnel was built to reduce traffic congestion, it hasn't really worked. In fact, traffic jams are actually worse in some areas now than they were before the tunnel was built.
  • Too few emergency exits: There are only four emergency exits in the Legacy Way tunnel. This is a major safety concern, especially in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  • Ugly: Some people think the Legacy Way tunnel is ugly. It's a big, concrete structure that doesn't really fit in with the surrounding area.
  • It's a death trap for possums: Possums often fall victim to cars on the Legacy Way tunnel. The possums are attracted to the warm asphalt and often get run over by cars.

Despite all of these issues, I still think the Legacy Way tunnel is a pretty cool place. It's a unique and impressive piece of engineering, and it's definitely worth checking out if you're ever in Brisbane.

What do you think of the Legacy Way tunnel? Let me know in the comments below!