Les Twentyman

The name Les Twentyman may not ring a bell, but his story is one that deserves to be told. Les is a man who dedicated his life to helping others, and his legacy continues to this day.

Born in England in 1923, Les was the youngest of seven children. His family was poor, and he often had to go without food. But despite these challenges, Les was a happy child. He loved to play outside and make friends.

When Les was 18 years old, he was drafted into the British Army. He served in World War II, and he saw some of the worst fighting of the war. But even in the midst of all the horror, Les never lost his compassion for others.

After the war, Les returned to England and got a job as a social worker. He worked with some of the most vulnerable people in society, including the homeless, the elderly, and the mentally ill. Les was always there for these people, and he always went the extra mile to help them.

In 1967, Les founded the charity Shelter. Shelter is a national charity that works to end homelessness in England. Les was the driving force behind the charity, and he worked tirelessly to raise money and awareness for its cause.

Les Twentyman died in 2001, but his legacy lives on. Shelter is now one of the largest charities in the UK, and it has helped millions of people who are homeless. Les was a true hero, and he will never be forgotten.