the war experince of world war 2

During World war 2, there was a major amount of battles across the world. On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes launched a suprise attack on a United States naval base in Pearl harbor. The attack cribbled and destroyed 20 American and 300 American planes. The attack was originlly going to scare the US into not going into World war 2, but this did the oppisite effect. This made the US go into World war 2. The attack on Pearl Habor only lasted around 1 hour 15 minutes. The attack on Pearl harbor killed 2,403 US personall, 68 civillans were included while the japanese attackers lost less than 100 men. 

Then there was the Battle of france, the German invasion of france, nicknamed the fall of france. This was when Germans started using the Blitzkrieg tactic, a fast attack on enemy weak points. This tactic hurt france troops hard, causeing them to let Germany take France. The Germans lost 150 troops and had 600 wounded. They took around 200-300 prisoners. The Belgians lost 160 and had 320 wounded.

During world war 2,German forces had commited mass amounts of war crimes. These were Massacres, looting, using pows as forced labor, which caused the death of 3 million soviet soldiers who were prisoners, mass rape, and mass extermanation of jewish people. Soviet soldiers has also comitted similar acts like this towards german soldiers and citizens, including mass murders and rape towards civilians. The germans had also done death marches. In January, 1945, the Germans started marching 56,000 prisoners out of Auschwitz and took them to a camp called Wodzislaw, where then prisoners would be split up onto trains and taken to other camps. Around 15,000 die on the way to the camp due to guards murdering them and weather conditions. 

During world war 2, the civilain life was also affected even though some were never in battles. In the US and other countries, there necesities were rationed to the bare minimums so the goods would be shipped to the troops in battle. Things like clothing fabric became hard to obtain due to it being sent to the militarys across seas. People were able to work to supply the troops overseas, which would be things like provide the soldiers with weapons or other supplies needed. This became a threat for the other side of the war. In some areas, there was destruction of houses, factories and other types of buildings to get food, shelter, sanatation and jobs. This hurt civilans because they coudlnt get what they needed for themselves to survive.