Houle's Presentation Links

My Presentations - Winter 2009-Fall 2013

Below are links to my past presentations that are also linked on my Wikispaces home page Glog. All URLs have been shortened with Google URLs to follow the number of clicks to my presentations. If you would like the original longurl checkout a great resource longurl.org which reads over 360 URL shorteners.

ICE-COLD Mini-Conference Fall 2013
No Registration Necessary Web 2.0 a Livebinder presentation
(28 sites with examples)

ICE-COLD Mini-Conference Spring 2013
Web 2.0 No Registration Necessary 2013 - a Livebinder presentation
(26 sites with examples)

Connections Project March 2013
Web 2.0 No Registration Necessary - a Livebinder presentation
(27 sites with examples)

ICE-COLD Mini Conference Spring 2012
Web 2.0 - The No Registration Way: a LiveBinder presentation

ICE Conference 2012
Web 2.0 - The No Registration Way
on Jog the Web

ICE-COLD Mini Conference Fall 2011
Web 2.0 - Registration Unnecessary
on Jog the Web
(Update of ICE 2011 presentation)

Wikis in Education - Benedictine September 8 & 12 2011
(Technology for Teachers)
on LiveBinders

ICE Conference 2011
Web 2.0 - No Registration Necessary
on Jog the web