Lilliane El Haddouti and the Magic Wish

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a young girl named Lilliane El Haddouti. Lilliane was a kind and curious girl, and she loved to play in the forest near her home.
One day, as Lilliane was playing in the forest, she came across a beautiful rainbow. She had never seen a rainbow so beautiful before, and she was filled with wonder. Lilliane followed the rainbow all the way to its end, and there she found a pot of gold.
Lilliane was so excited! She had never seen so much gold before. She picked up the pot of gold and ran home to tell her parents. Lilliane's parents were just as excited as she was. They told her that she could use the gold to buy anything she wanted.
Lilliane thought for a long time about what she wanted to buy. She could buy a new dress, or a new toy, or even a new house. But then she had an idea. She decided to use the gold to make a wish.
Lilliane wished that everyone in the world would be happy. She wished that there would be no more war, no more hunger, and no more pain. Lilliane's wish was so strong that it came true.
From that day on, everyone in the world was happy. There was no more war, no more hunger, and no more pain. And Lilliane El Haddouti was known as the girl who made the world a better place.
One day, Lilliane was walking through the forest when she came across a group of children playing. The children were laughing and having fun, and Lilliane smiled. She knew that her wish had come true. The world was a better place, and she was happy.
Lilliane El Haddouti was a kind and caring girl, and she always wanted to help others. She used her magic wish to make the world a better place, and she lived a long and happy life.