Lisa, The Girl Who Lived

Did you know that the woman who played Lisa Simpson is actually a man? Well, not really, but the voice of Lisa Simpson is provided by a man named Harry Shearer. And I bet you thought her name was really Lisa, right? Wrong again! Yeardley Smith is the real name of the woman who brings Lisa to life.
I know what you’re thinking. This is old news. Everyone knows that. But did you know that Yeardley Smith is an Emmy Award winner? That’s right, she won an Emmy in 1992 for her work on The Simpsons.
And get this: Yeardley Smith is a vegetarian. I know, I know, that’s not really that surprising, but it’s still pretty cool.
So there you have it. A few fun facts about Lisa Simpson. Next time you’re watching The Simpsons, be sure to give Yeardley Smith a shout out. She’s the one who makes Lisa so lovable.
Oh, and one more thing: Lisa Simpson is not a real person. She’s a cartoon character. Just in case you were wondering.

I’ve always been a fan of The Simpsons. I grew up watching the show, and I still love it today. I think it’s one of the funniest shows on TV. And I think Lisa Simpson is one of the best characters on the show. She’s smart, funny, and independent. She’s also a role model for young girls. She shows them that they can be anything they want to be.
I think Yeardley Smith does an amazing job voicing Lisa. She brings the character to life. She makes her relatable and lovable. I’m so glad that Yeardley Smith is the voice of Lisa Simpson. I can’t imagine anyone else playing the role.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little article about Lisa Simpson.