LivePD Drinking Game

cars don't move out way

snarky remark from cop

witnesses speak

police officer recap

drone in play

Parent vs. Kid battle

Dan wears a tie

armed suspect

knife found during search

gun found during search



resisting arrest 

gone 2 commercial @ exicting moment

locate multiple weapons during stop

locate multiple weapons during house search

fist fight

conversation in foreign language

medical assistant needed on location

tow truck arrives on location

missing child

missing parent

these are my pants

this isn't my car

suicide attempt

something thrown out car window

those aren't my drugs

needles found on suspect

needles found in car

person covered in blood

drunk in public

driving drunk

box cutter knife

criminal has strong accent

naked person

flat tire

car accident into tree

car accident into single car

car accident into multiple car

criminal owes child support - arrest

surround house to serve warrant

criminal got away (temporary)

Odd weapon found (hatchet/machete)

Baseball bat used or tempted to use

Dan says 'check back with'

coughing up blood

"give us some space"

someone pukes (cop car/street)

someone pee's or #2's (cop car/street)

"I don't know anything"

car doesn't stop instantly

reaching into clothing

cuffed being detained only

cigarettes that's aren't cigarettes

sitting on curb while vehicle search

Girlfriend yells at boyfriend

"Come clean with me man"

Just a summons

has to use gloves

has to use Purell

used broken tail light/head light

"not my gun"

"Bro" or "Partner" or "Boss" word used

Criminal cries like a Bitch

multiple officer in battle with criminal

no charges pressed

Sobriety check

loosen the cuffs request

5150 check up needed

walkie talkie goes off 

K-9 sniff test on car

high risk stop (more than 1 person in car)

"hang tight for a second"

"no weapons in car"

"turn around"

pat down alleged criminal

drugs hidden in butt

drugs hidden in bra

drugs hidden in "women's place"

Officer Casey appearance

saying Tweaker or you're Tweaking

slurring speech

ask Sticks mentioned

noise complaint

Dan says 'on the scene'

Dan says 'what's happening?'

Dan says 'clear the scene'

jump over fence

repo makes an appearance

when wildlife makes appearance

juvenile involved

stolen car

stolen merchandise

suspended license

"show me your hands"

"hands up"

spike strip

parent arrives on scene


taser used

suspect runs

"walk back to me"

speed to the scene

chasing a car

fast food restaurant in background scene. 

suspect is (or gets) barefoot
person gives false info
driver sleeping in car
driver swirvering
unusual items carried by people
"that's not mine"
flashback episode
flashback scene
baton used
pepper spray used
racial slur used
spike Strip
"not my drugs"
suspended license
show me your hands
hands up
walk back to me
get the dog
under arrest
repeat offender
Parent arrives on scene
suspect runs
taser used
camera person recap
Hosts chit-chat
CPR is performed
person dead/died on scene
animal dead/died on scene