Loblaws boycott

The Loblaws boycott: A call to action
This article discusses the Loblaws boycott, which began in 2018 in response to the company's treatment of workers and its high prices. It provides a personal perspective on the boycott, along with facts and analysis, and encourages readers to get involved.

I've been boycotting Loblaws for over a year now, and I'm not the only one. The Loblaws boycott began in 2018 when the company was accused of union busting and paying its workers poverty wages. Since then, the boycott has grown to include other concerns, such as the company's high prices and its treatment of suppliers.
I decided to join the boycott because I believe that Loblaws is a greedy corporation that doesn't care about its workers or its customers.

Loblaws has a long history of mistreating its workers. In 2015, the company was accused of firing workers who were trying to organize a union. In 2016, the company was accused of paying its workers poverty wages. And in 2017, the company was accused of forcing its workers to work long hours without overtime pay.
These are just a few examples of the many ways that Loblaws has mistreated its workers. I believe that it's important to stand up to companies that treat their workers unfairly. That's why I'm boycotting Loblaws.

In addition to mistreating its workers, Loblaws also has a history of charging high prices. In 2018, the company was accused of raising prices on essential items, such as bread and milk. The company has also been accused of using its market power to squeeze out smaller competitors.
I believe that it's important to support businesses that are fair to their workers and their customers. That's why I'm boycotting Loblaws.

The Loblaws boycott is growing. More and more people are learning about the company's mistreatment of workers and its high prices. As a result, the boycott is having a real impact on Loblaws' bottom line.
In 2019, Loblaws reported a 2.5% decline in sales. The company also announced that it would be closing 52 stores. These are all signs that the boycott is working.

I encourage you to join the Loblaws boycott. By boycotting Loblaws, you can help to send a message to the company that its mistreatment of workers and its high prices are unacceptable.
You can join the boycott by simply avoiding Loblaws stores and products. You can also spread the word about the boycott by talking to your friends and family and sharing information about the boycott on social media.

Together, we can make a difference. We can show Loblaws that we won't tolerate its mistreatment of workers and its high prices. By boycotting Loblaws, we can help to create a fairer and more just economy.