LongMen Bros. Picture

longmen logoLongMen Bros. Pictures is a womb carried company that is a brain child of a student at LivingStone International University. The name of the student is Emmanuel Masambu, he is 24 years old, three year undergraduate student offering a bachelors' degree of science in communication and Media Technology.

It was one morning when I was in was an Audio-Visual Production lecture and the lecturer was asked us to introduce ourselves and say out our future dreams. wink I Stood up and introduced myself and said my dream is to become a well-known movie maker on the Land of Africa. My classmate all bust out into laughter. Inside my heart I asked myself have I articulated myself wrongly I felt so down.

The lecturer asked my classmate what they were laughing at, one of the student said, “But Emmanuel you can dream, is that a wet dream or dry dream?” I just kept quiet. The lecturer said, “I know most of you can dream and keep your dreams live and some may dream and stop at dream, so Emmanuel you don’t need to be discouraged about your dream.”

As I headed to my room I asked myself what I have got to do to keep my dream going. So I started studying so hard and went a step ahead to look for extra material about my course. I did much practice though still doing more to earn my real dream. And today as I speak my dream I can see it somewhere, because I can now sit on my computer and create something out of a scratch to a real stuff.

Now that was a brief history how the organization was thought about to be established. What do I do at LoNgMen Bros. Pictures? Basically I hope LoNgMen Bros. Pictures to be majorly an Audio-visual company that deals in all Audio and visual Production plus graphics designing both still and motion.

Currently I don’t have a firmly established place due to the limitation in fund, but I believe that through such platform the work I do in my mobile  office can get a visual appreciation from out there.