Lorenda Recena: The Girl Who Nearly Missed Her Dream

Lorenda Recena was a very creative and imaginative girl who loved to tell and write stories. She would often spend hours in her bedroom, dreaming up new adventures for her characters. She had always wanted to be a famous writer, but she knew that it would be a lot of hard work and she wasn't sure if she would be good enough.
Lorenda Recena was in the third grade when she first learned about the Young Authors Contest. This contest was open to all students in her school district, and the winner would get to have their story published in a real book. Lorenda was so excited about this contest that she decided to enter it.
Lorenda Recena worked on her story for weeks. She wanted to make it the best story she had ever written, and she spent a lot of time making sure that it was perfect. When she was finally finished, she turned it in to her teacher.
A few weeks later, Lorenda Recena was called to the principal's office. She was so nervous that she could barely breathe. When she got there, the principal told her that she had won the Young Authors Contest!
Lorenda was so happy that she started to cry. She couldn't believe that her story had won. She thanked the principal and ran out of the office to tell her parents the good news.
The day that Lorenda's story was published was one of the happiest days of her life. She got to see her story in print, and she even got to sign copies of the book for her friends and family.
Lorenda's dream had come true, and she realized that anything is possible if you work hard and follow your dreams.

The End.