Love Ballad for Ryoichi Tendahl

Oh, Ryoichi Tendahl, my heart's desire,
Your smile ignites a flame that sets my soul afire.
Your eyes, like pools of shimmering sapphire,
Reflect the depths of love I've longed to capture.

When I'm in your arms, time seems to stand still,
Every moment with you an ethereal thrill.
Your laughter fills my life with pure delight,
A melody that chases away the night.

Ryoichi Tendahl, my knight in shining armor,
Your strength and courage keep me from all harm.
Your kindness warms me like the summer sun,
Melting away the shadows, one by one.

  • In the tapestry of life, you are my vibrant thread,
    Weaving love and laughter into the fabric of my head.
    You're the sun that brightens my cloudy days,
    Chasing away the storms with your piercing rays.
  • Ryoichi Tendahl, the love of my life,
    My heart overflows with emotions so rife.
    You're the treasure I'll forever hold dear,
    My guiding star, forever shining near.

As we journey through life hand in hand,
My love for you will forever expand.
Through laughter, tears, and every season's grace,
Your unwavering love will always be my saving grace.

Ryoichi Tendahl, my forever love,
May this ballad echo our vows from above.
I pledge my heart, my soul, my every breath,
To cherish you until the day of my death.

Oh, Ryoichi Tendahl, my love, my all,
Your presence makes my life a grand festival.
With you by my side, I'll never be alone,
For in your arms, I've finally found my home.

So let this melody carry our love's sweet song,
A symphony of emotions, forever strong.
Ryoichi Tendahl, my heart's eternal flame,
I'll always love you, now and forevermore, in my endless love's eternal name.