Why Is It Important to Promote Safe Firearm Storage and What Has Been Achieved So Far?

Handguns San Diego

San Diego shotguns


As much as it’s the right of every American to own a gun according to the Second Amendment Act, it’s also obligatory for them to protect others from getting harmed by the weapon they possess. We all have the right to own a gun to protect ourselves and other around us in case of an assault of danger, we can also own a gun for training, shooting competition and hunting activities bit we don’t have the right to put anyone’s life in jeopardy due to our negligence and plain disregard of the graveness of the weapon. In order to make sure that your home, area or city is not only safe for yourself but for others as well, we need to promote safe firearm storage. Handguns San Diego are loyal to whomever pulls its trigger, so it’s the responsibility of the gun owner to make sure that no unauthorized person has access to it.

According to the statistical data obtained over the years regarding the unfortunate death and other incidents we can certainly be sure of the fact that not enough gun owners are mindful of the weapon they are possessing. In fact around 54% of gun owners don’t properly lock their firearms securely enough. Another data shows some horrific stats of around 350+ children under the tender age of 18 getting killed by accidental shooting by themselves or someone else due to an unsecured gun. Around 4.6 million children in U.S alone live in a household that have them exposed to at least one unlocked and loaded firearm, which is just like a ticking bomb. Lastly, in the incidents of shootings on school grounds, 80% of the shooters acquire a gun from their home or their relatives or their friend’s home!

These disturbing data analysis are proof enough of the dangerous world we are living in. In order to make this world a safer and more habitable place, let’s dive into ways of securing our firearms better and also have an overview of what has been achieved so far when it comes to safe firearm storage.


The Importance of Promoting Safe Firearm Storage

In order to rectify a mistake we first need to admit that there is one in the first place right? Well in the case of firearms security, this is the first challenge, we need to educate people on the utmost importance of securing their firearms in gun safes and cases. With over 1/3 households nationwide and ¼ households in California alone that have firearms we need to take serious steps to ensure firearm security. With every unsecure firearm out there, someone is at immediate risk of life, trust me. Unsafe guns increase a risk of suicide, homicide, unintentional injury or even instigate someone to turn evil.

If you have left your firearm unsafe, unprotected and unguarded then you have invited catastrophe in your home. Any unauthorized person can easily access your gun to commit a grave crime. Leaving San Diego shotguns and handguns out in the open will certainly attract a not-so-mature mind to step over the line. It can also lead to an injury or death of any loved one just messing around or it can make someone turn rouge upon having the access to a weapon. Parents often think that the children are unaware of the firearms they possess but the fact is that they are the ones who are the most curious about these things. We inherently get attracted to the things which are not allowed to us and the same is the case with firearms. So it’s very important to carefully secure your weapon and not to trust anyone with it!


How to Ensure the Safety of your Firearms?

Even though the risk of unsecured firearms is spine-chilling, only around 35% of the gun owners actually are doing this job well. This means that an alarming 65% owners are negligent and are putting the life of others in jeopardy. If these 65% of the people learn to be responsible citizens of America than it can result in 150 less suicidal and accidental death every year! If you want to mend your ways today be sure to follow these simple and easy ways to secure your gun safely. The first thing that every gun owner must do almost mechanically is to unload the gun.

Next step is to put the handguns San Diego and the ammunition separately so that the chances are minimized further. After step is to have a locking device be it fingerprint, code system, face recognition or simple lock and key one but there should be a gun safe for your firearm. Lastly, make sure you keep the key or the code safe and not to give in to anyone!


What has Been Achieved so Far?

First thing that is important here is that agencies, gun advocates and violence prevention groups are all on the same page when it comes to safe storage of firearms. This is a crucial thing so that everyone can come together for one goal. Education campaigns and public health communications have been channelized so that more and more people get the right awareness at the right time. Apart from that, many rules and regulations have also been imposed on people who are willing to buy shotguns in San Diego.  Every person who wants to be a proud gun owner now has to not only learn but have to give an exam about the gun safety rules which reinforces the concept pretty well. 

Many companies like Wilde Built Tactical offer gun safes and other locking mechanisms at affordable rates that encourage people to spend a few extra bucks and ensure the security of others around them. US states like Massachusetts and California are doing a great job by abiding citizens by law to buy a gun safe along with the firearm so that they don’t risk a single person’s life.


Ending Lines

Firearms are for the protection of our home and loved ones, to develop some shooting skills or to feel great after hunting. But it’s not to put innocent people's life in danger so be a responsible gun owner and don’t make this amazing weapon get reprimanded due to your negligence.