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Projects deal with a choice of integrated problems: sustainable agriculture, meals and nutrients security, research into and production of stepped forward kinds of seed, rural organization improvement and profits technology, and environmental rehabilitation.Self Help Africa’s programme focus in Zambia is on two key regions: rural corporation improvement and sustainable agricultural and rural livelihoods. Our largest project is a 5-12 months Irish Aid funded nearby improvement undertaking that began in Northern Province in early 2013. Projects address a choice of included problems: sustainable agriculture, food and nutrients security, research into and production of advanced sorts of seed, rural organization maano adventures south africa development and profits generation, and environmental rehabilitation.Self Help Africa’s programme recognition in Zambia is on  key regions: rural business enterprise development and sustainable agricultural and rural livelihoods. Our largest assignment is a 5-year Irish Aid funded neighborhood improvement challenge that started out in Northern Province in early 2013.


5058 John Hunt Way, Room 3
Queens Park Building
Livingstone, Zambia

+260 977 22 9547