In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a light aircraft crash in Malindi, Kenya, has claimed the lives of three individuals.
According to local authorities, the aircraft crashed in the Kwachocha Village area near Malindi Airport on Thursday evening.
The victims, who were on the ground at the time of the crash, were reportedly killed instantly. Their identities have yet to be released.
While the cause of the crash remains under investigation, initial reports suggest that the aircraft was on a training mission at the time of the incident.
The crash has sent shockwaves through the community of Malindi, which is known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant tourism industry.
Local residents have expressed their condolences to the families of the victims and called for a thorough investigation into the incident.
The Malindi plane crash is a reminder of the dangers involved in aviation and the importance of safety precautions.
As the investigation continues, it is crucial to prioritize transparency and accountability to ensure that such tragic events can be prevented in the future.
Our hearts go out to the loved ones of the victims during this difficult time.