Understanding Learning Reasons Why Colloidal Silver Can Maintain Optimum Health

Without health, one has nothing. Falling ill once in a while is common, and it's a way of life, but feeling chronically ill is not common. There are many people who fall under this category, and they should do something about it. Doctors today are constantly prescribing medications to treat symptoms, but rarely treat the problem at its source. Perhaps colloidal silver can help. This is an antibiotic that's completely natural. It has so many uses, as will be seen below.
Pure colloidal silver can disable viruses, fungus, and bacteria. In the meanwhile, it won't harm the body in any way, but it's important to always take the correct colloidal silver dosage. In doing so, the disease causing organisms are destroyed through suffocation.
In fact, even physicians used colloidal silver as an antibiotic treatment until pharmaceutical antibiotics came into play. At this point, this product was set aside because of the magic pills. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical antibiotics also come with potential risks, especially with the fact that they cause an imbalance in gut bacteria.
As a result, bad bacteria takes over in what is a very important part of the body, the digestive system. On the other hand, colloidal silver does not cause any imbalance in the gut with regards to bacteria, that it can kill up to 650 organisms without developing resistant strains. After the organisms are killed, they are cleared out via one of the bodies elimination systems. It's all done safely and without concern, as tissue cell enzymes remain intact.
When shopping for this product, find a reputable source that offers superior products. Look for one that has a greenish tone to it, and is produced by electro colloidal methods. This means that the particles along with the water bind to each other through electric current. Avoid those that are made with chemicals.
Being a fluid, it is taken orally. Swoosh around the mouth to kill bacteria in the oral cavity, as well as to allow it to be absorbed quickly into the body. It'll take about 3 to 4 days before benefits will begin to occur. It can be taken on a daily basis, or simply to treat different illnesses.
For instance, it can be used on a cut to avoid infection from developing. There are also low grade infections of a chronic type that can be cleared and prevented via this oral solution. If one is very sick, or perhaps wants to detoxify the body, it's important to do it slowly. Pathogens that are killed off too quickly may cause an organ overload, leading to adverse effects.
In such cases, it could cause flu-like conditions, with extreme fatigue and dizziness, as well as headaches and nausea. Keep drinking plenty of water, and ensure all movements are regular. Detoxification requires regular bowel movements, so if there is constipation, be sure to take a laxative to maintain regularity. Other uses of this solution include using it for nasal passages and sinuses. It can be used on burns, cuts, abrasions, in the eyes and ears. It can also serve as a great deodorant. It can even be used on warts, bug bites, and eczema.
You can get top tips and hints on how to save money on colloidal silver dosage by referring to the online page. You may also review all the reasons why you should use http://www.gold2live.com/Dosage-Silver-Water.html now.