Management accounting analysis platform at Pro Axia Consulting

Global Operation DMP

Global companies to expand their business abroad, to integrate the different line-of-business system at the headquarters and group companies, in order to cross-visualization of each site, need to build an integrated analysis environment for real-time management decisions have been forced to, it will not have the problems as follows.

•The need for analysis from the entire point of view group at item level of corporate activity

•Optimization of operations together to exchange rate fluctuations

•Realization of the analysis of the management / planning / accounting for transparency and growth of management across the department, such as

•In the conventional product technology have spent a great deal of cost and time to develop

"Global Operation DMP" is, as a revolutionary integrated analysis platform with a consolidated engine for management accounting, to solve the above problems, the global supply and demand and sales management, the pre-performance management, and cost and profitability analysis was promptly implemented, it will help to optimize the business plan and investment plan of the company.



The primary function of Global Operation DMP

Integrated connection engine and data warehouse systems, data acquisition from the different line-of-business systems, data cleansing, perform data conversion and integration, multi-angle and in general to the detailed data level, a common tool such as Excel to achieve a mechanism to perform multi-dimensional analysis using.


Master integration engine

•RDBMS, ERP, CSV data corresponding to the (flat file), etc. Various data sources

•To manage metadata of the data source, enabling monitoring of the source changes.

•To provide a mechanism to flexibly change to a different base of the code system includes a data cleansing and global integration code.


Journal specification consolidated engine

•Internal transaction eliminations. In the butt and erase the consolidated income of the group in the trading at the item level transactions between group companies (buying and selling) are displayed have been eliminated.

•Foreign currency translation at various levels from the currency translation (consolidated profit and loss) statement data unit until the financial statements Unit

•Unrealized gains and losses erased in the group trading material stock

•To calculate the consolidated cost was simply deducted the internal transactions for the consolidated cost consolidated income grasp.

•SG & A expenses allocated. The selling, general and administrative expenses for each of the sites and business understanding of the operating income can be allocated to another by business unit and region according to the specified rules.


Integrated data warehouse management data analysis

•For all of the detailed data which enables the multi-angle analysis from multidimensional analysis tools, such as Excel.

•Finally you can drill down to detailed data.

•Such as user analysis and reports from any angle a comparative analysis of


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