Mark Hoppus Bakhtov: The Boy Who Slept with the Lights On

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Mark Hoppus Bakhtov. Mark Hoppus Bakhtov was a good boy, but he had one big problem: he was afraid of the dark.

Every night, Mark Hoppus Bakhtov would beg his parents to leave the light on in his room, but they would always say no. They told him that he needed to learn to be brave and that there was nothing to be afraid of in the dark.

But Mark Hoppus Bakhtov didn't believe them. He knew that there were monsters in the dark, just waiting to get him. He could hear them scratching at his window and whispering his name.

One night, Mark Hoppus Bakhtov couldn't take it anymore. He got out of bed and turned on the light. He was so scared that he was shaking, but he was also relieved. He knew that the monsters couldn't get him now.

Mark Hoppus Bakhtov's parents were angry when they found out that he had turned on the light. They told him that he was being silly and that he needed to learn to be brave.

But Mark Hoppus Bakhtov didn't care. He was too scared to turn the light off. He slept with the light on every night for the rest of his life.

And that's the story of Mark Hoppus Bakhtov, the boy who slept with the lights on.