Mark Menzies MP

South West Coast MP Mark Menzies has welcomed the release of new figures that show the unemployment rate in the South West has fallen to its lowest level in 18 months.
The unemployment rate in the South West is now 4.3%, down from 4.6% in the previous quarter and 5.1% a year ago. This is the lowest rate since the three months to September 2020.
Mr Menzies said the figures were a welcome sign that the South West economy is recovering from the impact of the pandemic.
“These figures are a testament to the resilience of the people and businesses of the South West,” Mr Menzies said.

“The fall in unemployment is a welcome sign that the South West economy is bouncing back. It is also a credit to the hard work of our local businesses, who have adapted and innovated to meet the challenges of the pandemic.

“I am confident that the South West economy will continue to grow in the coming months and years. We have a strong track record of innovation and entrepreneurship, and we are well-placed to take advantage of the opportunities that will come from the post-pandemic world.

“I would like to thank everyone who has played a role in the South West’s economic recovery. I would also like to encourage everyone to continue to support our local businesses.

  • The unemployment rate in the South West is now 4.3%, down from 4.6% in the previous quarter and 5.1% a year ago.
  • This is the lowest rate since the three months to September 2020.
  • The fall in unemployment is a welcome sign that the South West economy is bouncing back.
  • Mr Menzies said the figures were a testament to the resilience of the people and businesses of the South West.
  • He said he was confident that the South West economy would continue to grow in the coming months and years.