Covid Test Now Available In Miami

Mask Protection Group is now helping Americans get back to work by offering rapid Covid-19 testing.

Mask Protection Group is making it easier than ever for residents of Miami-Dade County to get tested and treated. With the recent increase in flu outbreaks throughout Florida, Mask Protection Group has now made their Covid-19 testing service available at all times by hiring a full staff who are trained on how to administer rapid test kits as soon as they come into contact with new patients.

In an effort to help American's move forward from this traumatic time while also aiding them during these trying moments, we have recently started providing our one stop solution package that includes fast access Covid-19 Testing services without any appointment needed!

The Mask Protection Group is a team of experts in the fields of technology, engineering and medicine who are committed to protecting your family's safety. In an effort to keep American citizens safe from infectious diseases like Ebola or even help them get back on their feet post-Ebola, Mask Protection Group now offers rapid testing for Covid-19 at all Miami Dade County locations.

The CDC has yet to find a cure for this new virus but that does not mean we can't take precautions against it! The masks provide protection by blocking off 92% of airborne particles around you with its 3M material which means clean air takes up 8x more space than contaminated air inside the mask while still providing breathable oxygen levels so there is no need.

Company Name: Mask Protection Group

Address: 19591 NE 10th Ave Bldg 3, Bay F/G

Phone: (833) 462-7577
