Masters of the Air

They Flew into Days of Darkness and Never Returned

The Eighth Air Force of the United States Army Air Forces was the strategic bombing force in Europe during World War II. It was the largest and most powerful air force in the world at the time, and its bombers flew more than 1 million sorties and dropped more than 1 million tons of bombs on German targets.

The Masters of the Air were the airmen of the Eighth Air Force. They were some of the most skilled and experienced pilots and aircrew in the world, and they flew some of the most dangerous missions of the war. They flew in daylight, in the face of intense enemy fire, and they often had to fly through miles of thick fog and clouds.

The Masters of the Air suffered heavy losses. More than 10,000 airmen were killed in action, and many more were wounded. But they never gave up. They continued to fly their missions, and they helped to win the war.

The Masters of the Air were an extraordinary group of men. They were brave, skilled, and dedicated. They made a major contribution to the victory in World War II, and they deserve to be remembered.