Matthew David Lewis Pistola: The Boy Who Couldn't Fall Asleep

Matthew David Lewis Pistola was a very special boy. He was smart and funny and had lots of friends. But there was one thing that made Matthew different from other kids: he couldn't fall asleep.
No matter how tired Matthew was, he would always lie in bed with his eyes wide open. He would stare at the ceiling, or at the walls, or at the shadows that danced in the moonlight. Sometimes he would try to count sheep, or sing himself a lullaby, but nothing worked.
Matthew's parents were very worried about him. They took him to the doctor, but the doctor couldn't find anything wrong. The doctor told Matthew that he was just a "night owl" and that he would eventually grow out of it.
But Matthew didn't grow out of it. In fact, as he got older, his insomnia got worse. He would go for days without sleeping, and he would start to get really tired and grumpy.
One night, when Matthew was 12 years old, he was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, when he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to look, and there, in the doorway, was a strange creature.
The creature was small and furry, with big eyes and a long tail. It had big ears that twitched, and a long, thin nose.
"Hello," said the creature. "My name is Snoozle."
"Snoozle?" asked Matthew. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to help you sleep," said Snoozle. "I'm a magical sleep fairy."
Matthew laughed. "A sleep fairy? That's ridiculous."
"I'm not ridiculous," said Snoozle. "I'm real. And I can help you fall asleep."
Snoozle hopped onto Matthew's bed and curled up next to him. Matthew closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could feel Snoozle's warm breath on his face, and he could hear Snoozle's soft purring.
Slowly, Matthew felt his eyelids getting heavy. He started to drift off to sleep.
"Thank you," he whispered to Snoozle. "Thank you for helping me sleep."
"You're welcome," said Snoozle. "Now go to sleep. You need your rest."
Matthew fell fast asleep, and he didn't wake up until the morning.
From that night on, Matthew David Lewis Pistola was able to fall asleep easily. He would always see Snoozle in his dreams, and Snoozle would always help him to sleep.