The Importance of Using a Mattress Protector

Mattresses are an important part of our lives and we spend more time on them than any other piece of furniture in the home. They provide comfort for us when we sleep at night and they protect us from bumps and bruises during the day. However, mattresses can be very dangerous if not properly cared for. The mattress protector is one way to keep your mattress safe and comfortable while protecting it against damage that could lead to health problems down the road.

Mattress Protector - BetterBed.coWhat Is A Mattress Protector?

A mattress protector is simply a thin layer of material placed over top of a mattress. It provides protection by keeping dust mites out of the bedding as well as preventing moisture build up inside the mattress which may cause mold or mildew growth. This also helps prevent stains caused by sweat and body oils. Some manufacturers even include anti-microbial properties into their products so you don’t have to worry about getting sick just because you slept on something dirty.

What Are The Different Types Of Mattress Protectors?

A mattress protector is an essential part of protecting your mattress. It can be used as a standalone product or it can be combined with other products such as pillows, bed sheets, blankets, etc. There are different types of mattresses that come with their own unique needs when it comes to protecting them. Here’s what you should know about each type:

Types of Mattress Covers

There are two main categories of mattress covers – pillow-top and flat sheet.

Pillow top covers have a soft cushioning material around the edges so that if you roll over onto your side, there will not be any pressure points against your skin. Flat sheet covers do not include this padding because they cover all sides of the mattress.

This means that if you roll over into another position, you may find yourself pressed up against something hard. If you want to protect both sides of your mattress, then you would use a combination of these two styles.

You could get a single piece of fabric which has been cut to fit perfectly across the width of your mattress. Or you could buy separate pieces for each half of your mattress. Either way, make sure that you choose a quality brand.

How Do I Know If My Mattress Needs To Be Protected?

There are many reasons why you might want to consider using a mattress protector. One reason would be if you have allergies or asthma. Dust mite allergens can trigger these conditions and having a mattress protector will help reduce this problem. Another common reason people use mattress covers is due to the fact that they tend to get stained easily.


In this article, we have discussed the importance of using mattress protectors. We also talked about how to choose one and what features you should look for in your protector. Finally, we reviewed different types of mattress protectors available on the market today and gave our recommendations as well as tips on which ones are best suited for each type of sleeper.