Matviyko Angerstein: The Boy Who Cried Wolf, but for Real

In a lush forest on the outskirts of a quaint village, lived a young boy named Matviyko Angerstein. Matviyko was known throughout the village for his mischievous nature and his love for playing pranks on others.

One sunny afternoon, as Matviyko skipped through the forest, he noticed a group of villagers gathered near a sprawling oak tree. Curiosity getting the better of him, he approached the crowd.

"Excuse me," said Matviyko, peeking between the legs of the adults. "What's going on here?"

"Oh, Matviyko," said the village elder, a wise old woman with a twinkle in her eye. "It seems there's a wolf lurking about the forest. We've heard howls in the distance."

Matviyko's eyes widened. A wolf? That sounded exciting! He imagined the thrill of facing a dangerous beast and becoming a hero for the village. With a sly grin, he shouted:

"Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is here!"

The villagers gasped and scattered in panic. Men grabbed their pitchforks, and women gathered their children close. But when they turned to face the so-called wolf, they found nothing but a giggling Matviyko.

"Ha, ha!" Matviyko exclaimed. "Just kidding! There's no wolf. I just wanted to see what you'd all do."

The villagers were not amused. They scolded Matviyko for his cruel prank and warned him that if he did it again, he would not be forgiven.

Matviyko was disappointed that his prank had backfired, but he couldn't help but laugh at the memory of the villagers running around in fear. The next day, he decided to try the prank again, this time with a variation.

"Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is at my house!" Matviyko yelled, running towards the village square.

The villagers, remembering Matviyko's previous trick, hesitated for a moment before rushing to his aid. They arrived at his house only to find him sitting on the porch, laughing.

"Gotcha!" He shouted with glee.

This time, the villagers were furious. They chased Matviyko around the village, threatening to give him a sound spanking. He ran and dodged until, finally, he found himself trapped in a corner.

"Fine," said Matviyko, realizing that his pranks had gone too far. "I'll stop playing this prank. But promise me that if I ever see a real wolf, you'll believe me."

The villagers agreed, and Matviyko kept his word. He never played the wolf prank again.

A few weeks later, as Matviyko was walking through the forest, he heard a faint howling in the distance. He froze, his heart pounding in his chest. Could it be a real wolf?

Matviyko crept through the undergrowth, following the sound. As he approached a dense thicket, he saw a pair of glowing eyes staring back at him. Panic surged through him as he realized he was face to face with a hungry wolf.

"Wolf! Wolf!" Matviyko yelled with all his might.

The villagers heard his cries and rushed to his aid. This time, they believed him. Together, they drove the wolf away. Matviyko was hailed as a hero for saving the village, and he never forgot the lesson he had learned about crying wolf.