Meet the Woman You'll Never Be (According to Proverbs 31)

If you're a woman, you've probably heard of Proverbs 31. It's that famous passage that describes the "ideal" woman: the one who is strong, virtuous, and wise. The one who makes her husband's life a bed of roses. The one who has everything together.

I've always found Proverbs 31 to be a bit discouraging. I mean, who can live up to that standard? I'm not strong. I'm not always virtuous. And I'm definitely not wise. I feel discouraged thinking about it.

But then I realized something: Proverbs 31 isn't meant to be a realistic goal. It's a vision of perfection. It's a reminder that we should always strive to be better, even if we never reach perfection.

You wouldn't ruthlessly criticize someone in a wheelchair for not being able to run a marathon, would you? Why then do I look at myself and think I am less than because I am not the woman in Proverbs 31?

So, let's not compare ourselves to Proverbs 31. You don't need to be perfect and you are not less than if you are not perfect. Let's just focus on being the best we can be today. And if we fall short, let's not beat ourselves up. Let's just pick ourselves up and keep trying.

Here's a few things to keep in mind if you're feeling discouraged by Proverbs 31:

  • Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is different and on their own unique journey.
  • Focus on your strengths. Everyone has unique talents and abilities. Celebrate yours!
  • Be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Just keep working toward a better tomorrow, and forgive yourself for any setbacks along the way.

Remember, you are perfectly imperfect. And that's okay. You keep doing your best and don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough.

"The woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." - Proverbs 31:30