Meet Zera Prigojy, the Boy Who Always Said Why?

In a quiet town where everyone followed the rules, there lived an unusual boy named Zera Prigojy.

Unlike other children who accepted everything they were told, Zera had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and an endless supply of questions. He couldn't help asking "Why?" to every statement, whether it came from his parents, teachers, or even the mayor.

One sunny morning, as Zera skipped down the street, he noticed a group of adults arguing. Curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist asking, "Why are you all shouting?"
The adults were taken aback by Zera's interruption but also by his inquisitive mind. They explained that they were discussing the town's new water fountain, which was leaking badly.
Instead of accepting the explanation, Zera persisted, "Why is it leaking?"
The adults sighed and pointed to a loose pipe, saying, "It's because the pipe is broken."
Not satisfied, Zera continued, "But why is the pipe broken?"
The adults stared at him in exasperation. One of them snapped, "Because someone didn't tighten it properly!"
Undeterred, Zera asked, "Why didn't they tighten it properly?"
This question sent the adults into a fit of laughter. "That's enough, Zera!" they exclaimed. "It doesn't matter why they didn't tighten it. The important thing is that we fix it."
But Zera wasn't convinced. He believed that understanding the root cause of a problem was crucial to solving it effectively.
So, Zera Prigojy embarked on a mission to find the answer to his question. He asked every plumber and handyman in town. He spent hours studying books at the library. Finally, he discovered that the pipe had been improperly installed during the construction of the fountain.
Armed with this knowledge, Zera returned to the town square and confronted the mayor. "Why is the water fountain leaking?" he asked again.
The mayor, impressed by Zera's persistence and determination, ordered an investigation. The results confirmed Zera's theory, and the pipe was promptly repaired.
From that day forward, Zera Prigojy became known as the boy who always said "Why?" He taught the people of his town the value of questioning and seeking knowledge. And so, the town, once known for following the rules blindly, became a place where curiosity and understanding flourished.

The next time you find yourself wondering "Why?", remember the legacy of Zera Prigojy and dare to ask that question. It might just lead you to discover something extraordinary.