APAM Peer Assessments

Lisa Adams

Story Structure: 5 – You introduced all characters and described a setting I could visualize while reading.

Characterization: 4 – I am able to get a sense of what your characters are like through their dialogue.

Ideas: 4 – You include details that are necessary for the storyline.

Designing Organization: 4 – The story flows nicely.

Specific Assignment Directions: 4 – I think you could express more of your characters’ points of view.

Description: 5 – I liked how you were so descriptive. I could identify with how you were feeling when you woke up and the frantic behavior from your family when everyone realized the misunderstanding.

Word Choice: 4 – One suggestion would be to not use contractions.

Sentence Variety: 4

Voice/Sense of Audience: 4

Grammar/Punctuation: 3

Spelling and Word Usage: 4

Overall Assignment Presentation: 5

Total Score: 50

The best aspect of this assignment is how the perspectives of your characters are told through your perspective. The organization aspect is very clear and flows nicely.

One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is when using quotations. I would suggest using quotes on foreign words (“lumpia” and “pancit”) and explain what they are.

The grade I would give this assignment: B



Nicholas Barba

Story Structure: 4 – The plot builds as you introduce the setting and characters.

Characterization: 4 – Adequate descriptions of your two friends and two teachers.

Ideas: 4

Designing Organization: 4 – Some ideas are not organized in structuring sentence flow.

Specific Assignment Directions: 3 – I know the point of views of only three characters.

Description: 4

Word Choice: 4

Sentence Variety: 3

Voice/Sense of Audience: 4

Grammar/Punctuation: 4

Spelling and Word Usage: 4

Overall Assignment Presentation: 5

Total Score: 47

The best aspect of this assignment is the quotations. It gives a realistic element to what is happening in the story.

One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is distinguishing the different perspectives.

The grade I would give this assignment: B



Erin Griley

Story Structure: 5 – I liked your plot and the way you set up the Rashomon style.

Characterization: 4.5 – You have great characters, just more dialogue.

Ideas: 5 – Some ideas mentioned would lose me but overall it was clear.

Designing Organization: 5

Specific Assignment Directions: 5

Description: 4 – Language was very conversational, but for this type of assignment, it worked.

Word Choice: 4 – Some of your pronoun usage confused me.

Sentence Variety: 4

Voice/Sense of Audience: 5

Grammar/Punctuation: 4

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

Overall Assignment Presentation: 5

Total Score: 55.5

The best aspect of this assignment is how each person’s perspective of the story adds a different element of the overall story that helps fill the reader with what happened as a whole.

One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is more dialogue from the characters.

The grade I would give this assignment: A



Jerralyn Satrio

Story Structure: 2 – This is more of an informative essay than a story.

Characterization: 3 – I’m assuming the different stages of a person’s life are your characters.

Ideas: 3 – Ideas are clear and developed but they aren’t relevant to the writing assignment.

Designing Organization: 3

Specific Assignment Directions: 1 – We were supposed to write about a conflict in our life from the perspective of four different people.

Description: 4

Word Choice: 4

Sentence Variety: 4

Voice/Sense of Audience: 4

Grammar/Punctuation: 4

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

Overall Assignment Presentation: 5

Total Score: 42

The best aspect of this assignment is how you explain your ideas.

One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is transforming this into a story with different perspectives.

The grade I would give this assignment: C