Meir Ezra - More business ventures


Mr. Meir Ezra is the managing director of a software development company, TimeMaker LLC. This company develops state-of-the-art solutions for business management. The flagship product of TimeMaker LLC is a cutting edge task management and business communication computer application that includes the exceptional Organizational Resource Planning (ORP) features. The Israeli Army, Motorola are among the most prestigious clients of TimeMaker. Mr. Ezra is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a good husband and wonderful father of three amazing kids. His interest lies in activities like kite surfing, motorcycling and karate. In short – He is an amazing human being.

Mr. Meir Ezra also founded Securant, Inc. There he developed race winning FuelSafe fuel, as well as, fleet management system. The latter came up as one technologically powerful and widely recognized fleet management resources. The FuelSafe system is considered to be the only solution to out of date fueling technology. Also, this system is being distributed at an international level. He is the owner of numerous businesses with clients from all over the world, right from USA, Canada, Italy, Israel, Russia, Columbia, China, South Africa, India, Romania to the Dominican Republic, the Czech Republic and many more.