Meir Ezra - The business tycoon

Meir Ezra - The business tycoon

“I believe life is what I make it to be, always has been and always will be” – the words of Meir Ezra, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Securant Inc. clearly establish the persona of one who has built and now running 24 companies that operate in 27 countries around the globe.

Known for his ‘go get it’ attitude, the CEO of Securant Inc. has years of experience as an entrepreneur and multiple patents registered to his name. The creative genius that he is, Meir Ezra is the creator of Time Maker Leadership Software, described as the most advanced management software in the market.

Owner of several businesses, Meir Ezra has established companies around the world – India, Columbia, Russia, Italy and Israel to name a few.He established a company that dealt with the distribution of gasoline management systems in the US. Needless to say the company had an amazing turnover of $100,000,000 within its first three years. He has also developed a technology that deals with cellphone blocking, another such development is a payment-by cellphone technology and software solutions for the hotel industry. He is also credited with the introduction of a special study technology at schools in Israel.