Meir Ezra - What Defines Your Child's Behavior

About a year ago I met this kid, about 10 years old, and I heard from his parents he was fighting with his three younger brothers and couldn’t concentrate and overall, he was a source of unrest and problem for the family.


His dad had died about three months ago.


As I am a good friend of the mother, I had a chance to observe the child closely – he was a mess.


So I decided to change him without actually handling him directly.


Before I tell you exactly what I did, I want to tell you what happened within six days and continued for the following two months more or less!


The child started to take care of his younger sibling, he took responsibility and did not stop helping his mom… he anticipated what she needed and provided it, he studied independently, his teacher called home to say some MAJOR changes happened as he is totally attentive in class and totally understanding what is going on, he stopped his obsession with his iPad and spent less than 15 minutes on productive actions on his iPad (answering messages), he played enthusiastically with other kids but never fighting or getting hurt – it seemed he simply grew up overnight…


He did!!!


Here is what I did that is a great lesson…


I made it a point to make his mom super important in the eyes of all the people the CHILD considered important, while making him even more important…


So, I got the closest cousin to visit and planned with him how we are going to admire the mom… I did not stop giving compliments to the mom, I got her boss to give her a special surprise award at home, I got the next door neighbors to visit and tell her (next to the child) how amazing she is… and… Most important – each gave at least double the admiration to the child… indicating all the amazing things he is being and doing.


At first, the child did not know if it was real and tried to ignore what was going on, but after the second day the child changed in front of my eyes…


Here is the law:


A child’s behavior and condition is defined by the way the parents treat each other and how much admiration and moral support they give to their kids. No other factors.


What Defines Your Childʹs Behavior - Guaranteed Prosperity


Here is your homework:

Admire vocally your spouse.

Admire vocally your children.

Support your kid’s ideas, methods, actions etc. ALWAYS.

Repeat 1 – 2 at least 15 times per day.

Never fail to repeat 3 when opportunity shows up.


Try it and let me know…


To Your Family's Success,

Meir Ezra

Founder, GP Parent Academy