Meir Ezra: You Are The Chiropractor Of Your Organization’s Spine

Interesting, interesting, unbelievable!

Hi everyone, It’s me again, Meir Ezra, and I’m going to talk to you about something that’s called THE SPINE.

What is the spine?

An organization, like a person, has a spine and this spine is a series of things that need to be totally aligned. And if one of them is out, you will have a problem -- a lot of pain, and you’ll not be able to move.

The more  things that are “out” in the body the more pain, the less you are able to move to produce... 

The more things that are “out” in an organization the less it will function.

The organizational spine is composed of ten vertebrates, ten parts, and those ten parts must be in total alignment or total agreement. 

Much like the body, operating the organization will cause some of those parts to "get out" and in turn the organization will feel pain - loss of money, loss of deals etc.

You (the owner, the executive) are the chiropractor that needs to get them align and getting them aligned is what we call management.

Management is the process of getting these ten items aligned and functioning. If you don’t know those things, the ten items, you won’t  know where the pain is coming from and so  you won’t be able to fix it.

You will feel the pain... there’s no question about it! BUT, you will have no idea what the source of the pain is - and so you will not be able to de-bug the problem!!!

To get those ten items aligned, you first need to know what they are, then define them, then make sure they’re in agreement and then have the exact technology on how to handle each one of those items.

The bad news is that there is no quick fix - you need to learn!

The good news is that it is simple to learn.

What are those items?

How do you make sure that your organizational spine is in order?

How can you become the perfect chiropractor for your organization?

Very simple, register NOW to my tips - I will teach you how - those are truly life-changing tips and I guarantee it.