Metropolitan Wireless International: Products


Based on the two (2) Product Lines, MWI has successfully developed and deployed the following products:

Rail HUB

City planners all over the world have realized that decongesting roads is a necessity as the urban population continues to swell and this is achievable only by introducing a well-connected network of Metro rail system to transport the growing number of city commuters. The Metro operations are very different from long haul train operations in that, the trains run at a higher frequency, sometimes as frequent as every few minutes during peak hours which necessitates constant monitoring of trains on the track to avoid incidents and bottlenecks.

MWI’s Rail Communications HUB (RailHUB) is a 2nd generation dispatcher solution that acts as the via media for all types of real-time communication with the trains and stations including Passenger Emergency comms, Passenger Announcements & Displays, Driver Comms and Train status and alerts when the trains are on revenue run as well as when the trains are at the depots.

In short, RailHUB is a critical component in managing day-to-day operations of a Metro rail network. This product has been successfully deployed on a few metros in the Asian region.

Police HUB

Traditional Police operations involve the field force carrying private analog radios and the control centre operators keeping track of the various groups through just voice communication. The modern police force is no longer constrained by just voice comms through private analog radios but in fact has multi-mode of communication using private Trunked Radio(such as TETRA) as the primary communications medium as well as using other public telephony networks to have voice, data and video feeds.

The control centre dispatcher thus has a powerful system to keep track of the police field force and to keep the entire force constantly updated with necessary information using multiple channels of communication.

MWI’s PoliceHUB is an integrated voice, data and video dispatcher that provides intuitive dispatching capability to communicate with the police force during critical / emergency operations. It caters for multiple communication infrastructure and mechanism.

Automatic Location Tracking System (ALTS)

One of the key components of the TelematicsHUB, this product forms the backbone of managing day-to-day operations by tracking the fleet on the roads.

The ALTS not only has the standard features of any tracking solution but also provides for advanced features to aid emergency operations.