Mettabel Prestes and My Heart's Sweet Symphony

Mettabel Prestes, oh, my darling dear,
Your name, a melody that fills my ear,
A chorus of angels, their voices so clear,
Singing of love, banished all my fear.
Like a dove that soars on wings so white,
Your spirit takes flight, a beacon of light,
Mettabel Prestes, my love, my delight,
In your embrace, I find solace at night.
Your eyes, like stars, the night they ignite,
Guiding me through darkness, making all right,
Mettabel Prestes, my guiding star so bright,
With you by my side, the world seems alright.
Your laughter, a symphony that thrills my soul,
A rhapsody of joy that makes me whole,
Mettabel Prestes, my love, my heart's goal,
With you as my muse, my spirit takes toll.
I've searched far and wide, through land and sea,
To find a love as true, a love like thee,
Mettabel Prestes, my destiny's decree,
In your arms, my heart finds its ecstasy.
Through life's turbulent waves, we'll ride the tide,
Together we conquer, side by side,
Mettabel Prestes, my constant guide,
With you as my anchor, I shall not hide.
Like a sunflower that faces the sun's embrace,
My heart blooms for you, with your love and grace,
Mettabel Prestes, my love's sacred space,
In your presence, my spirit finds its place.
Oh, Mettabel Prestes, my heart's sweet song,
Your love is a melody that forever will prolong,
A timeless symphony, a symphony strong,
Where two hearts unite, forever they belong.