About The Industry of Kinetix Exploration Limited


Established in 2011 and based in Osaka Japan, Kinetix Exploration Limited is one of Asia’s leading upstream E&P companies with our focus placed squarely on the exploration, field development and production of both oil and gas from the rich proven reserves of these valuable commodities in the basins of South East Asia. To this end our involvement has seen us spread our attention as a company from the well-established Yufutsu oil and gas field of Hokkaido where we began our operations, to newer more profitable operations in both onshore and offshore fields in Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia with Kinetix Exploration Limited now involved at the embryonic stage of oil exploration in Myanmar.

At Kinetix Exploration Limited our excellent reputation in the Asian E&P industry is derived from the skill, hard work and dedication of our personnel who have been employed in all facets of the industry and at all levels. Never content to rest on our laurels, Kinetix Exploration Limited is always active in seeking out new dynamic opportunities for project development either as a sole operator or in conjunction with other well respected partners throughout the region.

About the Industry

It is best to have a background understanding of how the oil and gas industry conducts and organizes its business in order to have a better appreciation of the value that Kinetix Exploration Limited represents, the opportunities present and the day to day realities of operating in this exciting and vital industry. The industry as a whole can be typically separated into three main areas, these being upstream, and midstream and downstream with Kinetix Exploration Limited’s focus being that of upstream more commonly referred to as exploration and production, or the E&P sector. The following sections are aimed at giving a brief introduction to the fundamentals of the industry from the formation of our product through to commercial hydrocarbon production.