Mice in Your Walls? Fumigate Them Away!

Mice can be a nuisance in your home, especially when they're hiding in the walls. They can contaminate your food, spread diseases, and damage your property. If you're dealing with a mouse infestation in your walls, fumigation is a safe and effective way to get rid of them.

What is fumigation?

Fumigation is a process that uses a gas to kill pests. The gas is released into the air, and it seeps into all the nooks and crannies of your home, including the walls. This ensures that all the mice are exposed to the gas and killed.

Is fumigation safe?

Fumigation is a safe process when it's done by a professional exterminator. The exterminator will take precautions to ensure that the gas does not leak into your home, and they will ventilate your home thoroughly after the fumigation is complete.

How do I prepare for fumigation?

Before your home is fumigated, you will need to prepare it by:

* Removing all people and pets from the home
* Covering all food and water
* Sealing off all windows and doors
* Turning off all pilot lights and gas appliances

What happens during fumigation?

The exterminator will release the gas into your home and then seal it off. The gas will circulate throughout your home for several hours, killing all the mice.

What happens after fumigation?

After the fumigation is complete, the exterminator will ventilate your home thoroughly. You will then be able to return home and resume your normal activities.

How effective is fumigation?

Fumigation is a very effective way to get rid of mice in your walls. It is a safe and convenient process, and it can eliminate an infestation in just a few hours.

If you're dealing with a mouse infestation in your walls, don't wait to call a professional exterminator. Fumigation is the most effective way to get rid of these pests and prevent them from causing further damage to your home.