Microchip Reader

9 Advantages Of Buying A High-Quality Microchip Reader


In the past couple of years, microchipping animals has become popular because of technological advancements. And because of this, microchips have also become affordable. However, microchips will only work with a microchip reader. This obtains or reveals the identity information embedded in the microchip. Since different companies manufacture microchips, not all microchip reader will recognise every single microchip. Then again, buying a high-quality microchip reader is recommended because it is a universal reader, which can read most microchips. Aside from that, here are nine more advantages of buying a high-quality microchip reader.


Useful for any pets


A microchip reader does not only scan selected animals such as dogs or cats. A microchip reader will check any animals that have microchips. It helps vets and pet professionals to identify, find, and return the animals to their owners should they get lost, stolen or stray.

However, pet breeders and other professionals working in the pet industry should have a high-quality microchip reader to give them peace of mind, knowing that they can accurately scan the microchip. Sometimes, low-quality microchips become hard to find, making it difficult for them to be scanned. This slows down the process of contact owners and returning their pet to them.


Proof of ownership


When you use an animal chip reader, you can certainly determine if an animal has a microchip. Without microchips, if your pet gets lost and is found by someone, they will not know who the pet belongs to and cannot be returned easily. And it will serve as permanent identification for your pet. A microchip cannot be easily removed.


The law


According to the new microchipping law that came into place on 6 April 2016, you must make sure your dog is microchipped and registered by the time it is eight weeks old. The penalty for violating this law may cost up to £500. Besides dogs, you can also microchip other animals if you want, even though they are not required yet. Several authorities will need to buy an animal chip reader to see if the dog is indeed microchipped.


Knowing the pet's information


Scanning the microchip presently used in pets only contain identification numbers. Microchips should not be used as a GPS because it doesn't track animals. It is only an identification number where the owner's information is listed on a database. Although the present technology microchip itself does not contain your pet's medical information, some microchip registration will allow you to store that information in the database for quick reference.


Missing pets


When you use a high-quality animal chip reader and find a microchip on the animal, the reader will instantly scan and retrieve the microchip's data. If they find a microchip and the microchip registry has accurate information, they can quickly find the animal's owner.  


Scanning for microchip manufacturer


When using a high-quality pet microchip reader, the manufacture name will be the first data to show. Therefore, the likelihood that an animal cannot be identified from its microchip number is very low – that is unless your pet's microchip has not been registered or the information is not accurate. Any database with which your register your pet's microchip needs to be regularly updated and the critical database to keep up-to-date is maintained by the microchip manufacturer.


Know if a pet is microchipped


If you rescued or bought your pet from a breeder, you might have been given some documents to confirm your pet's microchip number. However, you will never know if your pets have microchips. By buying a high-quality reader or getting them to check in clinics, you can determine the answer.


Know if details are up-to-date


The one thing that a pet microchip reader displays are specific numbers of the animal chip. You can then find out whom your pet is registered to and log in online or contact the company over the phone to check or update your details.


Feel relieved


When a pet goes missing, the feelings of fear and concern with the experience are something no owner should have to go through. If you are a vet or a breeder, you should buy your own high-quality pet microchip reader if some people brought stray animals or encounter them yourself.  This also solves ownership as microchips allow pet owners to prove that the animal is indeed theirs.

A microchip reader is a convenient tool you can have if you work with animals. Using a high-quality microchip reader, you can easily read different types of microchips, know the owner's identity, and many more. If you are looking to buy a microchip reader, you better opt for high-quality ones.