Mike Zimmer Credited for Adrian Peterson’s Return

On June 2, 2015, Minnesota Viking’s running back, Adrian Peterson surprised everyone for his comeback on the field. In the midst of practice, he attended an interview with the presence of Viking coach, Mike Zimmerman.



Viking’s general manager, Rick Spielman stated on the 4th of June in his interview with NBC sports that Zimmerman is one who particularly deserves credit for the détente they reached with their veteran running back. The team did not hide their clear sense of relief to finally have Peterson back, clearing and resolving the situation.



In a statement he made in the interview, Spielman noted, “I think coach Zimmer has a great relationship with players in general. And his ability to communicate with them. . . . As you know, there’s not much filter with coach Zimmer, but that’s why players respect him”. Spielman added, “Not only is he a great teacher and going to make a better football player, but they have the utmost respect for him and how he handles things.”



Beyond his rare abilities on the field, Peterson seems to be making a smooth transition back into the mix with teammates, both new and old, who welcomed him back when he rejoined the Vikings earlier this week.



With the death of one of his sons back in 2012 which also made it to the headlines, seems like Adrian has managed well after another allegation was thrown at him in September, 2014, causing him to declare hiatus in his activities. The Peterson group of legal counsel has stated in an interview that although it was not shown, Peterson also experienced a lot of disappointments and frustrations for the way the media has reacted regarding his sons.



The news of the running back taking a break for almost 9 months has also bothered his fans even from outside the United States. A lot of fans from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Singapore had stated their disbelief of child abuse that is accused of him.



According to reviews and news, Peterson allegedly hit one of his sons with a stick, which resulted to a lot of bruises on his son’s legs, hands, buttocks and scrotum. The news has dominated sports discussion even when a lot of people has defended that it was just a form of discipline that he was implementing. Peterson also had apologized to his son and the public stating that his son the intention behind the alleged beating.



Last 2012, his then 2-year old son whom he never knew until a week before the child’s death was reportedly beaten by the mother’s boyfriend bringing a lot of pain to Peterson.