Useful Items That Help In Increasing Milk Supply In Breastfeeding

Breast milk provides a perfect blend of nutrients to your infants and that’s why many nursing mothers are concerned for their milk supply. It could be due to several reasons which are primary like improper latching position, lack of rest and sleep, inadequate consumption of proper diet and fluids. All can be treated easily with some focus and attention. Some mothers need help to stimulate breast milk production and for that they just need a kick start to boost milk supply, and putting hands on galactogogues is considered the simplest and safest way of doing that. Few well known milk supply boosters are discussed below, so have a look:

1- Fenugreek

A common herb and a staple in many Asian and middle eastern countries. Fenugreek is a known galactogogue which has phytoestrogens like compounds that act as a fast milk supply booster to increase milk supply. It has been concluded that these seeds stimulate sweat production and breasts have modified sweat glands, so milk ducts and milk ejection are stimulated. Consuming it as brewed tea 2-3 times in a day, which can boost milk production within 24 to 72 hours which is quite significant. Overdoses can make your baby gassier, could cause diarrhea in mother and baby, and even your baby’s urine and sweat will develop a maple like smell which is weird at times but still have very impressive results on milk production.

2- Fennel

It is a mediterranean vegetable which can be cooked or even eaten raw. The bulb, stalk and leaves of this plant are all edible. They are often found as a common ingredient in breast milk supplements and teas to enhance milk volume and production. They too have estrogens in it which helps lactating mothers to make more milk. They also benefit by increasing the volume and fat content of the nursing mothers milk, which in result helps the baby to gain weight. This plant tastes similar to licorice, which mellows when cooked. Use it as powder form, toss and sprinkle it on your salads and meals and also can have in teas or lactating cookies.

3- Oatmeal

Oats are well known as an incredible lactogenic food, which helps inhibit milk supply greatly. It is a whole grain staple, rich in iron, fiber, zinc, magnesium that are extremely beneficial for both mother and the baby as well. Consuming oats and feeding could be linked to its high level of iron that helps in milk supply, as low iron figures causes decrease in milk supply. you can include them in your diet in the form of old fashioned porridge, trendy oats smoothies, latte, or even in oat-filled lactation cookies too. All are scrumptious ways of including them in your diet.

4- Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is an effective milk supply booster and also a very nutritional supplement which has high amounts of protein, B-vitamins, iron, selenium and other vital trace minerals. It's also used as probiotics and encourages a healthy gut. Another. than these effective pros it’s very good in uplifting the mood of nursing mothers who are mostly suffering from postpartum depression and baby blues. It also boosts great energy levels and it’s easily available in tablet and powder form. However, use them in small amounts for reaping healthy benefits and avoiding any side effects.

5- Garlic

Garlic is a root vegetable which has a treasure of health benefits and is very nutritious. Many women swear that it aids in boosting their milk supply incredibly in sufficient amounts. Although it has a strong odor which does mix in breast milk, and some babies like it while others simply reject consuming this milk, so if the things work, a good supply would be maintained. Many women find it hard to consume because of its pretty acidic flavor if used raw which is the most beneficial way of consuming it. Other than that, you add them in foods like garlic rice, garlic butter chicken and fish, the list is long.

6- Milk thistle

A purple flowery plant with prickly spines on it with a long history in medicine and healing. A popular breast milk supplement to influence milk supply which has also been linked up with lactation from decades. The white veins on milk thistle plant mimics the veins in breasts, also plant estrogens found in this plant encourage milk production fast. You can consume them as tea by boiling its seeds.

7- Lactation snacks

An easy and quick approach by many nursing mothers to inhibit their milk supply is by consuming lactation boosting snacks like emergency brownies, lactation cookies, cereals and lattes. They are made from a combination of various lactogenic herbs, foods and grains which immediately start working on the milk supply within 24 hours, which are impressive breast milk supplements.


Not all mothers naturally produce sufficient amounts of milk which could be due to several reasons. Mothers usually try many galactogogues to enhance milk supply, however, it is recommended to ask from your lactation consultant for right doses and combinations.