The need of some packing tips on a Mission humanitaire

When a humanitarian worker is employed on an urgent basis, packing needs to be done quickly and accurately. You are sure to face some very challenging environments as you are traveling for a specific purpose. You should be confident enough for challenging situations that come along the way to give you some good experiences. You should complete the packing in such a manner that you are able to have the basic utilities in the new place while you are on the mission. Ask the fellow workers if they have visited the place before so that you can get some more idea regarding the things you need to carry along.


Listed below are some very important packing tips you should follow when you go for mission humanitaire:


Lightweight backpack:

It is always a ground rule which must follow that only pack what you can easily carry. There is a limit to the weight that every traveller can carry with him while on an international trip. It is always recommended to carry the backpacker's bag in which you can keep all your clothes in. You can also keep daypack ready for having the smaller things at one place. If you do not have the same you can always buy one from the local sports stores.


Breathable clothes:

When you are packing things for mission humanitaire the most important is your clothes. The clothes you carry should make you feel comfortable to work and occupy less space in the bag. The location where you are travelling plays an important role in determining the type of clothes that best suit in the climatic condition there. Also, have the washing stuff added in your list of things to be carried so you don't have to depend on anything for your personal hygiene. The clothes which can dry off quickly are the best to go with.


Device to purify water:

You cannot carry water on a long trip and make your luggage heavy as it is not viable. While on a mission humanitaire afrique, you are advised to carry portable water purifiers or some iodine tablets to make the water available on site pure. You can plan on taking the purification devices depending on the places you are going. The idea of carrying the iodine tablets will help you to lower down the weight of your bag and will also take less space.


Type of footwear to be carried:

Foot wears are again very important thing when you are on mission humanitaire afrique. You will have to face the type of ground you do not know. The conditions every day can be very hazardous for you at times. A pair of good shoes will help you face all odds while you are in a new country away from the home ground. Do not forget your socks!


Being a humanitarian worker is your choice but that does not mean that the harsh conditions do not affect you. You should be prepared for any conditions when you are on the mission humanitaire.