Mitigating Ecological Effects by Frank Owens Contractors Review


Mitigating Ecological Effects due to Construction Works


There are effective ways of addressing the negative effects of construction works, particularly site clearing or ground work operations which tend to disrupt or damage the ecological balance of specific locales, such as forested areas, agricultural lands, estuarial areas, waterways and shorelines. Frank Owens possesses the technical and managerial capability to implement safeguards against unduly impacting the environment. Here are some suggested steps:

1                     Construction works should be monitored by a suitably qualified ecologist

Having a highly-competent ecologist who understands the various processes involved in preserving the habitats of flora and fauna can provide the proper measures and solutions for environmental protection.

2                    Minimize possible uncontrolled inflow into drainage ways and streams

The need to limit the flow of water runoff from bare or un-vegetated areas requires prior covering, seeding or planting of grass or shrubs. This obviously entails some expense; however, the precaution, which may often be required by law, will redound to future benefits in terms of mitigating flooding and destruction of existing natural and human-made structures.

3                    Material stockpiles must be located and monitored properly


The size, the location and the prevention of leakage or movement of materials stored or kept on the site must be closely monitored to minimize environmental impact.

4                    Construction area is limited to achieve preservation of vegetation

The boundaries of the construction works must be controlled to minimize removal of vegetation and the exposure and/or compaction of soils. Fences must also be put up to prevent negligent intrusion by workers or equipment beyond the limits set.

Frank Owens Contractors provides excellent utility service. Their well trained and highly-experienced engineers have the long track record to assure landowners that their project will meet environmental standards and that the surrounding areas will not be unduly affected by the finished structure.