Mitsui Financial Group - Environmental Preservation Initiatives

Basic views for environmental preservation

The Group recognizes environmental preservation as one of its most important management issues. Based on our Group Environmental Policy, we are implementing initiatives to preserve the natural environment and achieve the corporate harmony.


Basic concepts

Recognizing the importance of realizing a sustainable society, SMFG is continuously making efforts to preserve and achieve harmony with the natural environment in its corporate activities in order to support the economy and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.


Specific environmental policies

We provide environment-friendly financial products, information and solutions which support our clients in their efforts to preserve the eco-system.

We devise means to reduce environmental risks posed by our own activities and the society.

We are determined to fulfill our social responsibilities through the conservation of resources and energy, and the reduction of waste.

We strictly comply with environment-related laws and regulations.

We practice the highest level of information disclosure related to the Group’s environmental activities and consistently improve our efforts to contribute to environmental preservation by communicating with our staff as well as the third parties.

We place high priority on thoroughly educating our staff about our environmental principles to ensure that they conform to these principles in the performance of their work.

We actively and effectively implement “environmental management,” and make continuous efforts to improve our system to deal with environmental issues by setting goals and targets for every fiscal year and reviewing them as deemed necessary.

These policies are disclosed on the Group’s website, and the printed version is available upon request.


Three pillars of the Group’s activities

The three pillars of our environmental action plan are: 1) “Reduction of impacts on environment,” 2) “Management of environmental risks,” and 3) “Promotion of environmental businesses.” We have set environmental objectives for each environmental activity and follow the procedures of Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDCA) for such environmental activities. Read more at Mitsui Financial Group