Mobile Technology and Retail Development

Market share in mobile technology has shot up in the last 5 years. The advancement of today’s society enabled a lot of distributors to triple their profit in response to the growing demand in the market. The current trend in sales comes from mobile technology which enables consumers to buy what they need through their smart phones. 


For retailers, this kind of marketing and sales propose both risks and advantages. The stakes are high. If the strategy succeeds, that means increase in profit, new customers and a competitive advantage while a failed strategy could result to a loss of market share which can impact hard in every business. 


Taking time to make a website and monitoring your online business aside from looking after those in shelves can take time and great effort. However, whether it be using scannable coupons or taking pictures, this kind of approach is continuously growing steady and even promises to grow overtime. 


According to Axis Capital Group, a telecommunications provider in Jakarta, Indonesia, most subscribers now take advantage of online selling sites and has taken 10% of the reasons why subscribers go online and many businesses are already launching their own sites, increasing on data usage. If this is an actual fact in developing cities, how much more in already developed nations where the advancement of technology is a given?


Consumers are becoming more in demand and failure is sometimes not an option. They want a seamless shopping experience while riding a bus home or in the middle of the day. Retailers should be able to cope up with the growing demand and have the technical prowess in managing customers. If retailers cannot provide this, then, they would either get hundreds of complaints and bad reviews or lose their customer altogether.


In a report, frequent mobile users spend 25% of their time on mobile shopping and there are varieties of proven ways to utilize the internet aside from your website. 


Retail leaders believe mobile technology development is in its early stages but ecommerce is already showing great potential. While the percentage of smartphone users has increased dramatically from smartphone usage has not hit the “tipping point” defined by rapid, widespread adoption by the mass population. The day, however, is coming soon, with many industry leaders predicting that the major transition to smartphones will occur. In anticipation, leading retailers are developing mobile marketing teams of hand-picked employees from across the organization.