
Have you ever heard of a monkey who was such a good friend that he would share his banana with you? Not just any banana, but his favorite banana! Well, I have, and his name was Morris.

Morris was a small, brown monkey with big, curious eyes. He lived in a large tree in the middle of a jungle. He was a very friendly monkey, and he loved to play with the other animals in the jungle. But his favorite thing to do was to eat bananas.

Morris loved bananas more than anything else in the world. He would eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And he would even sneak into the kitchen at night to steal bananas from the other animals!

One day, Morris was playing in the jungle when he saw a little girl sitting on a rock. The little girl was crying, and Morris asked her what was wrong. She told Morris that she had lost her favorite doll, and she was so sad because she didn't know where it was.

Morris felt sorry for the little girl, so he decided to help her find her doll. He looked all over the jungle, and finally, under a bush, he saw it. He picked up the doll and gave it to the little girl. The little girl was so happy that she gave Morris a big hug.

After that day, Morris and the little girl became best friends. They would play together every day, and Morris would always share his bananas with her.

One day, the little girl asked Morris why he was so nice to her. Morris thought for a moment and said, "Because you are my friend, and I love you."

And that's why Morris the monkey was such a good friend. He always shared his bananas with those he loved.