Victor Edozien: More Tips on Innovative Management

Asaba Group Holdings continues to seek innovative solutions to problems that will enhance their company's viability as well as develop their clients' experience with the company through the services the company provides.

Here are more vital steps you can take to develop your business management:

1. Innovation is beyond invention

Invention commonly refers to the creation of something new or novel while innovation involves improving upon something that already exists. But if we observe King Solomon's wisdom, nothing new is ever created and so we end up equating invention with innovation. Nevertheless, innovation, as it is applied in the modern context, requires going beyond the mere creation of something that has not been conceived or produced before by humans.

Certainly, the smartphone did not exist before the '90s. It is an invention as well as an innovation in communication. However, the way it was conceived off initially, it was a practical tool for replacing the old land-based phone for the sole purpose of making direct calls. Of course, now we know what smartphones are now capable of doing – and that is innovation adding to what had been already invented.

As someone has put it, invention is the first step of the process; innovation is the continuing process of improving upon what exists. Birds already flew for millennia upon the earth; but it took human ingenuity to imitate and even surpass the possibilities of flight.

2. Innovativeness should become an acquired habit

The desire and discipline to attain excellence is never an inborn quality. Children either catch the ability to be creative from somewhere or they are taught to become so. Even prodigies need to hear or see something before they can acquire some proficiency in certain artistic skills. In general though, creative or innovative genius arises because there is a need or the desire to achieve something extraordinary.

In the organization, innovation can only be of great use and value when more people are constantly engaged in the process of improving how things are done. Releasing the energy to innovate demands providing enough individual freedom to workers, as well as collective independence, in order for the organization to come up with novel solutions.

Once the habit of innovation has developed, the organization will become an organic source of ideas and ways of transformation that the organization is capable of undergoing toward its maturity and greater progress.

3. Develop innovation pioneers

As in many human endeavors, innovation also requires the presence of people who seek ways to solve certain problems in simple or ingenious manner. These thinkers can be radical, rebellious and even destructive in the way they approach things; however, allowing them to do what they do best can bring about the necessary improvement in the general environment.

If Einstein had been content with accepting the ideas of Galileo and Newton, he would not have come up with the Theory of Relativity. Had he been content with his job as a patent-office clerk, he would not have brought about revolutionary changes in the study of our physical world.

An organization needs these pioneers who will lead the way to innovation and to productivity.

4. Conduct trial-and-error runs to ferret out errors

Brainstorming sessions can provide as many innovative solutions to a particular problem. However, trimming down the list to a few possible and least risky will suffice to propel the process toward a positive outcome. Taking into consideration profitability and efficiency in the implementation, the organization can then choose one or more of the remaining solutions to achieve maximum productivity.

Committing mistakes is a given in almost any endeavor in life. Yet the fear of failure which will result in stagnation and loss of income can prevent many from taking necessary risks. Without a healthy amount of risk-taking, innovation cannot produce the necessary benefits it is meant to achieve.

5. Instill creative competition

Finally, in order to sustain an atmosphere conducive to innovation, an organization will do well to select people who have diverse talents and disciplinary backgrounds in order to maintain a broad base for addressing issues. When each distinct perspective is given the chance to present the problem, a more synergistic and encompassing solution will arise.

Asaba Group Holdings believes in capability of people with wide experience and excellent professionalism to innovate according to the processes described above. It has always subscribed to the holistic approach as the determining factor for making any organization thrive in the dynamic and highly-competitive environment.