Whether it's your business, a target organization, stock options, intellectual property, or another significant asset, a thoughtful assessment of value is the first step toward sound financial decisions.
Business valuation is part art, part science. An insightful analysis is the result of a careful review of the facts by a team of professionals with experience working with companies just like yours.
Companies seek clarity about fair value for a variety of reasons. Whatever the motivation, we believe valuations are fundamentally a process for informing the decisions you make with what is likely your most significant financial asset.
We perform more than 400 valuations a year in the areas of fair value and financial statement reporting; merger, acquisition, and divestment; gift and estate taxes; ESOPs; partner or shareholder admission; and litigation and dissolution. We also provide valuations of business enterprises; common and preferred stock options; partnership and limited liability company interests; private party promissory notes; and fractional interests in real property. Asset valuations include patents, licenses, customer lists, trademarks and trade names, song lists, and personal goodwill.
Our specialized teams possess unique expertise in:
Contact us today to learn more about how our independent valuations can help you make smart, informed decisions about your business.