Mother's Day: A Poem from the Heart

In meadows of memory, where love resides,
A bouquet of words, my tribute abides.
To the one who gave life, a bond so profound,
A song in my heart, her love unbound.

Her hands, like soft petals, a gentle caress,
Nurtured my spirit, eased every distress.
In her eyes, a mirror reflecting my dreams,
A guiding star, lighting life's uncertain streams.

  • Her laughter, a melody, sweeter than bells,
    Chases away shadows, dispels all life's spells.
  • Her wisdom, a beacon, guiding my way,
    Through storms and calm seas, she's my constant stay.

Her love, a tapestry woven with care,
Embraces me tightly, erasing all despair.
In her arms, a sanctuary, I find repose,
A haven of solace where my heart's secrets disclose.

On this Mother's Day, a day filled with grace,
I offer my gratitude, a warm embrace.
May this humble poem capture a glimpse of my love,
For a mother whose spirit shines from above.

Through endless days and countless nights,
Her unwavering presence, my beacon of light.
Her love, a river flowing deep and true,
Sustains my soul, its source forever new.

In her eyes, I see the reflection of my own,
A testament to love that blossoms and has grown.
  • Her gentle touch, a balm to heal my wounds,
    Mending broken pieces, restoring my grounds.
  • Mother, your love is a gift beyond compare,
    A beacon of hope, a refuge I share.
    In my heart's garden, your love blooms so bright,
    A cherished treasure, a celestial light.

    On this special day, let love's symphony play,
    As we celebrate mothers, our hearts filled with sway.
    May this poem be a whisper, a heartfelt plea,
    Honoring the bond that sets us free.

    To all the mothers, near and far,
    Whose love shapes our lives, forever a star.
    May this Mother's Day be a day of joy and grace,
    A reminder of love that fills every space.