Benefits of Journaling for Middle Schoolers

Does journaling have benefits? Yes it does ecspecially for middle schoolers. There are many posititve outlooks on journaling. It improves lots of skills, helps kids that dont like to talk, and it can help with school believe it or not. There are many more benefits and that is why I am going to tell you about all the benefits of journaling. So lets get started! 

One of the main benefits of journaling are getting rid of emotions. Ecspecially middle schoolers, they are probably going through a lot because of all the changes. They can be going through a lot of feelings and changes that they might not feel comfertable with telling people. So they always have the option of journaling, but there is one thing that the parents will have to do if there kids starts journaling. The parents have to make sure to promise the kids that they are not going to look through their journal because if the kids see you loking through their journal they are not going to appreciate it. So you parents are going to have to keep that promise no matter how temting it is. Another benefit of journiling is the amount of skills it improves. For example writing in a journal i proves thnere writing, communication, problem solving, and reading skills. These skills will all help you in life.