My activity That Often Gets Mistaken for Laziness

The truth is, I'm a hard worker. I'm always busy, but I don't always look like it. I'm not the type of person who sits at a desk all day, churning out work. I like to move around, to be active, to be creative.
My activity often gets mistaken for laziness. People see me doodling on a notepad, or playing with a ball of yarn, and they think I'm not working. But I am. I'm thinking, I'm problem-solving, I'm creating.
I'm not the only one. There are plenty of people who work in a non-traditional way. We're the ones who are always coming up with new ideas, the ones who are always finding new ways to do things. We're the ones who are changing the world.
So next time you see someone who's not working in a traditional way, don't assume that they're lazy. They may just be one of the most creative people you know.
Here are a few examples of activities that are often mistaken for laziness:
  • Doodling
  • Playing with a ball of yarn
  • Walking around
  • Taking breaks
  • Daydreaming
These activities may not look like work, but they can be very productive. When you're doodling, you may be coming up with new ideas. When you're playing with a ball of yarn, you may be working on a new project. When you're walking around, you may be clearing your mind so that you can focus better. When you're taking breaks, you may be giving your brain a chance to rest and recharge. And when you're daydreaming, you may be coming up with new solutions to problems.
So don't be fooled by appearances. Just because someone isn't working in a traditional way doesn't mean that they're not working. They may just be one of the most creative people you know.